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Marie-Christine Lieber
St Frézal de Ventalon


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price from €360






Description for B&B:

This detached house, designed in the traditional cévenol architecture using schist, is perfect for accommodating 9 to 10 people. It offers every modern convenience and has been classified as a 3-star gîte. Spread across three floors, the house features three bedrooms, three bathrooms, three toilets, a spacious living room, and two well-equipped kitchens with all necessary household appliances. Additionally, a fireplace and central heating ensure a cozy and comfortable stay.

Description for Gite

Stay in the heart of the Cevennes National Park at our charming traditional stone house. While maintaining its rustic charm, our house is equipped with all the modern comforts you need for a comfortable stay. The fully equipped kitchen includes a washing machine, dishwasher, freezer, and oven. Relax in the cozy living room by the fireplace or enjoy the seating area for two. The house also features one bedroom with three beds and a bathroom, as well as a studio with four beds, a bathroom, toilet, and kitchen.

Outside, you can enjoy three terraces, perfect for soaking up the sun or enjoying a barbecue. Parking is available for your convenience. Explore the stunning surroundings with numerous walking, horseback riding, or mountain biking trails. Our gite is proudly labeled as a panda gite, ensuring environmental quality and a preserved natural environment.


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Notes: chauffage en plus


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  • Mont Lozère: Located within the Cévennes National Park, Mont Lozère offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. It is a popular spot for hiking, with well-marked trails that lead to the summit where you can enjoy panoramic vistas.
  • Gorges du Tarn: A stunning canyon carved by the Tarn River, the Gorges du Tarn is a natural wonder that attracts visitors from all over. Activities such as kayaking, hiking, and rock climbing are available, allowing you to explore the rugged beauty of this area.
  • Aven Armand: A fascinating limestone cave, Aven Armand is home to an impressive array of stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take you through the underground chambers, providing insight into the geological formations that have developed over millions of years.
  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: This unique botanical garden boasts an extensive collection of bamboo species from around the world. Visitors can stroll through the serene gardens, marvel at the towering bamboo groves, and learn about the various uses of this versatile plant.
  • Florac: A charming town nestled in the heart of the Cévennes, Florac offers a picturesque setting with its medieval architecture and quaint streets. The town is also a gateway to the national park, making it an ideal base for exploring the region.
  • Château de Portes: Situated on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Cévennes, the Château de Portes is a medieval fortress that dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • La Malène: A small village located on the banks of the Tarn River, La Malène is known for its picturesque setting and traditional stone houses. It is a popular starting point for canoeing trips along the Gorges du Tarn, allowing visitors to experience the beauty of the canyon from the water.
  • Pont de Montvert: Steeped in history, Pont de Montvert is known for its role in the Camisard rebellion during the 17th century. The village features historic buildings, including the Maison du Parc National des Cévennes, which offers exhibitions on the local culture and history.
  • Lac de Villefort: A scenic lake surrounded by lush forests, Lac de Villefort is a popular spot for outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The lake's clear waters and tranquil surroundings make it an ideal destination for relaxation and enjoying nature. 10. Les Grottes de Dargilan: Located near the village of Meyrueis, the Dargilan Caves are renowned for their stunning array of stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, allowing them to witness the natural beauty and unique formations of these caves.

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