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Mme Longere Magali
744 Chemin De La Balmondière
Saint André D'huiriat


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  • Monastère Royal de Brou: Located in Bourg-en-Bresse, this magnificent 16th-century monastery is a must-visit attraction. Admire the stunning Gothic architecture, intricate stone carvings, and beautiful gardens surrounding the monastery.
  • Parc des Oiseaux: Situated in Villars-les-Dombes, this bird park is home to over 3,000 birds from around the world. Explore the various aviaries and witness captivating bird shows, making it a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts.
  • Château des Allymes: This medieval castle in Amberieu-en-Bugey dates back to the 14th century. Discover its well-preserved towers, courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the top of the fortress.
  • Musée de la Bresse-Domaine des Planons: Located in Saint-Cyr-sur-Menthon, this museum offers an insight into the region's rural heritage, showcasing traditional Bresse farmhouses, agricultural tools, and exhibits on local traditions and customs.
  • Lac de Nantua: Situated near Nantua, this picturesque lake offers a range of activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. Surrounded by lush greenery and mountains, it provides a serene and relaxing setting for nature lovers.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located in Lyon, this urban park is one of the largest in France. Enjoy leisurely walks, rent a boat on the lake, or visit the zoo and botanical garden within the park.
  • Pérouges: A medieval walled town, Pérouges is a charming village located just outside Saint-André-d'Huiriat. Wander through its narrow streets, admire the well-preserved buildings, and experience the medieval ambiance of this historical gem.
  • Parc de Miribel-Jonage: Situated near Lyon, this vast park offers numerous outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, and picnicking. With a large lake and beautiful landscapes, it's an ideal spot for relaxation and recreation.
  • Musée du Revermont: Located in Cuisiat, this museum showcases the natural and cultural heritage of the Revermont region. Explore exhibits on local flora, fauna, traditional crafts, and the history of the area. 10. Caves du Cerdon: In Cerdon, you can visit these underground wine cellars known for producing sparkling Cerdon wine. Take a guided tour and learn about the wine-making process while indulging in tastings of their renowned products.

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