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Francine Genestout
14 rue des Ecoles
Loguivy de la Mer



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Price per night:

price from €58




Description for B&B:

We offer two guest rooms in Britain, situated in Loguivy de la Mer (Ploubazlanec), in the beautiful North of Paimpol. Our location is just across from the stunning Ile de Bréhat. The rooms are hosted by Dominique and Francine Genestout. Our charming house is conveniently located only 500 meters away from the port and the beaches, surrounded by a picturesque 3500 m2 flower-filled garden.

Each room comes with its own private bathroom, equipped with a shower and toilet. As our guest, you will have access to complimentary tea, coffee, herbal teas, a selection of books and comics, as well as WiFi.

Please note that our rooms are exclusively available to pottery trainees. A minimum stay of three nights is required.


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After reaching Paimpol, continue following the signs for "Bréhat" and then "Loguivy de la Mer". When you arrive in Loguivy, turn right onto Léon Tilly Street, followed by another right onto Ecoles Street. Proceed for a few hundred meters and then take the road on your right. You will have arrived at your destination!



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: minimum 3 nights. The rooms are only available to trainees in pottery.
Notes: 2 rooms with shared bathroom / minimum 3 nights




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  • Côte de Granit Rose: Known as the "Pink Granite Coast," this stretch of coastline near Perros-Guirec features unique rock formations and beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: A picturesque island located off the coast of Paimpol, Île-de-Bréhat is known for its stunning natural beauty, colorful flowers, and car-free environment.
  • Abbaye de Beauport: Situated near Paimpol, this historic abbey dates back to the 13th century and offers visitors a glimpse into medieval monastic life amidst beautiful gardens and coastal scenery.
  • Château de la Roche-Jagu: Located in Ploëzal, this stunning medieval castle overlooks the Trieux estuary and is surrounded by beautiful gardens, making it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll.
  • Tréguier Cathedral: Situated in the charming town of Tréguier, this Gothic-style cathedral is a masterpiece of French architecture and houses impressive stained glass windows.
  • Sillon de Talbert: A unique natural formation, Sillon de Talbert is a narrow and long sandbank that stretches into the sea. It is a fascinating spot for walking, bird-watching, or simply enjoying the coastal views.
  • La Roche Jagu Garden: Located near Ploëzal, these beautiful gardens offer a peaceful retreat with various terraces, sculptures, and plant collections, all set against the backdrop of the Trieux estuary.
  • Musée de la Mer: Situated in Paimpol, this maritime museum displays exhibits that showcase the region's rich maritime history, including fishing, shipbuilding, and seafaring traditions. 10. Plougrescant: A small coastal village known for its stunning landscapes, Plougrescant offers unique attractions such as the Gouffre (a narrow inlet) and the famous "Maison du Gouffre," a house built between two gigantic rocks. These attractions near 14 rue des Ecoles in Loguivy de la Mer, France, offer a diverse range of natural, historical, and cultural experiences for tourists to enjoy.

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