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Contact Details:


pascale et J Louis
1 Rue de L'horloge
Nissan Lez Enserune



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €40




Description for B&B:

We have the following offerings available:
- Three double bedrooms with beds measuring 160 cm in width
- Additionally, we have one twin room
- All rooms are brand new.

Description for Gite

We offer three cozy holiday cottages for your stay:
- Two cottages designed for two persons each, ensuring a romantic and intimate experience.
- Additionally, we have one spacious cottage accommodating up to four persons, perfect for families or a group of friends.


Appréciations pour Casa d'Oc Hérault, Nissan Lez Enserune:

Très content de notre séjour
Review by: Teulier Amelie, Aou 1 2013 8:03PM
Belle chambre d'hôte, accueil chaleureux !!!
Très bon séjour, à recommencer !!!

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To reach Nisan lez enserune, a town situated in the Hérault region of Languedoc in the South of France, follow these directions: Take the A9 motorway and exit at Béziers west. Nisan lez enserune is located between the cities of Béziers and Narbonne.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: continental or english
Notes: for 2, july & august
Notes: 4/6 personns , july & august




  • Oppidum d'Ensérune: Located just a short distance from Rue de L'horloge, Oppidum d'Ensérune is an ancient hilltop settlement dating back to the Iron Age. Visitors can explore the archaeological site, including the remains of the fortified village and its impressive views over the surrounding landscape.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a historic canal that runs through Nissan Lez Enserune. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the canal's towpath, rent a boat, or simply relax and enjoy the picturesque scenery.
  • Beziers Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Beziers, Beziers Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral. It boasts stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a beautiful rose garden. The cathedral is also known for its commanding views over the city.
  • Château de Carcassonne: Located approximately 45 kilometers northeast of Nissan Lez Enserune, the Château de Carcassonne is a medieval fortress that offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. With its well-preserved walls, towers, and narrow streets, it is considered one of the most impressive fortresses in Europe.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Situated in the Corbières wine region, Abbaye de Fontfroide is a Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. Visitors can explore the architectural beauty of the abbey, stroll through its serene gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Narbonne: Just a short drive from Nissan Lez Enserune, the city of Narbonne offers a variety of attractions. Highlights include the Roman Horreum, a well-preserved underground warehouse, the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, and the vibrant Les Halles market.
  • Gruissan: Located on the Mediterranean coast, the charming village of Gruissan is known for its picturesque old town, scenic beaches, and the iconic Gruissan Castle. Visitors can enjoy water sports, explore the ancient salt pans, and indulge in fresh seafood at one of the village's many restaurants.
  • Étang de Thau: Situated to the east of Nissan Lez Enserune, the Étang de Thau is a large saltwater lagoon famous for its oyster and mussel farming. Visitors can take boat tours, sample fresh seafood, and enjoy panoramic views of the lagoon and its surrounding vineyards. These tourist attractions near Rue de L'horloge, Nissan Lez Enserune, provide a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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