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Charles Colette
lieu-dit: "Mollard Giroud"
Le Sappey en Chartreuse


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Price per night:

price from €58






Description for B&B:

In total, our 5 guest houses can accommodate up to 14 people comfortably. We offer a variety of room options including two double rooms, two rooms for three people, and a spacious family room with four beds. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom featuring a shower or bathtub, as well as its own toilet facilities.
At the center of our guest houses, there is a large common area known as the ward, which serves as a gathering spot for our guests. This is where everyone comes together to enjoy their breakfast and dinner, socializing around a generous communal table.

Description for Gite

"Experience the charm of our beautifully renovated ancient farm, meticulously restored using locally sourced wood. Immerse yourself in eco-friendly comfort with our state-of-the-art heating system that not only keeps you warm but also helps protect the environment. Book your stay now and indulge in a truly sustainable and cozy getaway."


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To reach the village of Sappey in Chartreuse, located 12 kilometers north of Grenoble, follow the D512 road that passes through the Chartreuse. Once you arrive at the village, head towards the church and continue in the direction of the téleskis (ski lifts) that will take you up to the hamlet of Mollard-Giroud. For GPS coordinates, use the following: latitude 45.25727722628919 and longitude 5.777590870857239.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 58 65 oui
(3 pers.)
3 71 78 oui
Apartment 4 84 91




  • Chartreuse Natural Park: Located just outside Le Sappey en Chartreuse, Chartreuse Natural Park is a stunning natural reserve known for its lush greenery, diverse wildlife, and picturesque landscapes. This park offers numerous hiking trails, cycling routes, and picnic spots, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the French Alps.
  • Saint-Hugues-de-Chartreuse Monastery: Situated in the heart of Chartreuse Mountains, the Saint-Hugues-de-Chartreuse Monastery is a tranquil religious site that dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the beautifully preserved abbey, admire the Romanesque architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this spiritual retreat.
  • Bastille Hill and Fort: Overlooking the city of Grenoble, Bastille Hill and Fort offer panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Visitors can reach the fort by taking the iconic "bubble" cable car or hiking up the scenic trails. The fort itself provides a fascinating glimpse into the region's military history and offers a variety of exhibitions and events.
  • Museum of Grenoble: Located in Grenoble, the Museum of Grenoble is renowned for its extensive collection of art and artifacts. It showcases works from various periods, including paintings, sculptures, and archaeological finds. With its impressive range of masterpieces, this museum is a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Les Cuves de Sassenage: A short drive from Le Sappey en Chartreuse, Les Cuves de Sassenage is a series of natural limestone caves with underground rivers and stunning rock formations. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the caves, learn about their geological history, and marvel at the enchanting underground scenery.
  • Château de Vizille: Situated in the town of Vizille, the Château de Vizille is a majestic 17th-century castle surrounded by expansive gardens and a beautiful park. The castle houses the Museum of the French Revolution, which documents the historical events leading up to this pivotal period in French history.
  • Lac de la Terrasse: Located near the village of La Terrasse, Lac de la Terrasse is a serene lake surrounded by forested hills. It offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, and picnicking. The tranquil atmosphere and scenic surroundings make it a great spot for relaxation and outdoor activities.
  • The Old Town of Grenoble: The old town of Grenoble, known as Grenoble-Vieux, is a charming area filled with narrow cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and quaint squares. Visitors can wander through the old town, explore its unique shops, and enjoy the vibrant café culture. These attractions offer a diverse range of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences near Le Sappey en Chartreuse, providing tourists with plenty of options to explore and enjoy the region.

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