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Marian Priestley
24 Avenue de Beziers
Thezan les Beziers



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Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

We offer family suites for your comfortable stay. Stay connected with our WIFI service. Enjoy the pleasant weather on our spacious and sunny terrace, equipped with a BBQ for delightful evening dining. During the summer months, breakfast is served on our second terrace. The price for a couple, including breakfast, is 65 euros per night.

Description for Gite

We offer four splendid holiday apartments, ranging from one to three bedrooms, all exquisitely renovated and fully furnished with top-notch amenities. Guests will be delighted by the communal terrace, featuring a barbecue for delightful open-air dining experiences. Additionally, our recreation room provides a cozy atmosphere with comfortable seating, an array of books, and various games for your entertainment. Stay connected with our high-speed WiFi throughout your stay.


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We are conveniently located just a short 10-minute drive from the motorway network. Additionally, there are four airports in the vicinity that offer budget flights. If you require detailed directions, please don't hesitate to ask, as we are more than happy to provide them.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 65 20 6
Apartment 4 270 700




  • Canal du Midi: Located approximately 6 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic waterway offers beautiful scenery and is perfect for leisurely walks or bike rides along its banks.
  • Beziers Cathedral: Situated in the city center of Beziers, this impressive cathedral dates back to the 13th century. It features stunning Gothic architecture and offers panoramic views of the city from its bell tower.
  • Château de Carcassonne: Located about 60 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, the Château de Carcassonne is a medieval fortress that is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, towers, and narrow streets of this well-preserved castle.
  • Les Neuf Ecluses de Fonseranes: These impressive staircase locks are situated just 10 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers. The engineering marvel of Fonseranes consists of nine locks in a row, allowing boats to navigate a steep elevation change on the Canal du Midi.
  • Pézenas: This picturesque town, approximately 20 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Pézenas is also famous for its association with playwright Molière, and visitors can explore his former residence, now a museum.
  • Narbonne: Located about 40 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, Narbonne is a historic city with Roman origins. It offers a rich cultural heritage, including the stunning Narbonne Cathedral and the archaeological site of the Roman Horreum.
  • Cap d'Agde: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, Cap d'Agde is a popular beach resort destination. Visitors can enjoy sandy beaches, water sports, and a vibrant nightlife in this lively coastal town.
  • Gorges d'Héric: These beautiful gorges are located around 60 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers. Perfect for nature lovers and hikers, the Gorges d'Héric offer stunning landscapes, waterfalls, and opportunities for swimming in natural pools.
  • Valras-Plage: This seaside town, situated about 20 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, offers a long sandy beach, a lively promenade, and numerous restaurants and shops. It's a great spot for a relaxing day by the sea. 10. Aqualand Cap d'Agde: Located about 30 kilometers from Thezan les Beziers, Aqualand is a large water park that offers a variety of slides, pools, and water attractions. It's a perfect destination for families and those seeking some fun in the sun.

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