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Jean Marie Brun
Chambres d'hôtes de charme


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €98






Description for B&B:

Nestled in a serene location just a short 10-minute drive from the stunning sea, we extend a warm invitation to you at our welcoming abode in Ar Run. Situated between the picturesque villages of Plufur and Lanvellec, you will find yourself staying in the enchanting balcony of Rosanbo castle, within a beautifully restored traditional farmhouse exuding both passion and charm. Our two exquisitely designed rooms, Brittany Romance (adorned in shades of blue and grey) and Brittany Passion (accented in hues of purple and red), eagerly await your arrival. As our esteemed guest, you will also have complimentary access to our invigorating Hammam, and we are delighted to offer massages upon request.


Appréciations pour Ar Run, Plufur:

Un week-end de ressourcement à Ar Run
Review by: Luc & Alain, Fev 4 2009 7:10PM
Dans la campagne Bretonne encore vraie, un endroit chaleureux et agréable.
Plein de petites attentions et de prévenance...
Merci et chapeau bas

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To reach Ar Run Chambres dhotes from Saint Brieuc, take the exit Beg ar Chra from national road 12. From there, follow the signs to Plouaret and Lanvellec, and continue on the road towards "Chateau de Rosanbo". Once you pass through the castle gate, stay on the road and look for the sign indicating Plufur. Take the first left turn after the sign, and you will find Ar Run Chambres dhotes.



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extra bed
Notes: American breakfast


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Animals Allowed


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