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Mr Deleflie
Route St Polycarpe


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €110






Description for Gite

There are 3 ground floor homes, each featuring a living room with a fully equipped kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. Gite n°1 offers a bedroom with a 140-sized bed. Gite n°2 includes a bedroom with a double bed and another bedroom with bunk beds. Gite n°3 provides a bedroom with a double bed and 3 single beds. All gites have a terrace with a barbecue. Additionally, on the first floor, there are 3 more gites, each with a fully equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms with 2 single beds in each, a covered terrace, and garden furniture.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Maynard, Limoux:

Review by: Picard , Aou 22 2021 1:23PM
Séjour très agréable au gîte! Un très bon accueil, la piscine est nettoyée tous les jours. Et le gîte est situé dans un coin calme. Encore merci aux propriétaires.
gite très agreable
Review by: michel, Aou 19 2014 8:49PM
un très bon accueil c'est un super gite confortable et très propre avec une belle piscine. ce gite est bien décrit les photos sont conformes à la réalité. De nombreuses excursions à faire aux alentours .

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To reach Limoux, you can take the Montpellier-Carcassonne motorway and exit at junction 23, then head towards Limoux. If you prefer to travel by plane, the Carcassonne Airport is 25km away, while the Toulouse Airport is 100km away. Another option is to take a train to Carcassonne and from there, you can find connections to Limoux.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 6 220 520 15 non


Swimming Pool


  • Abbey of Saint-Hilaire: Located in the village of Saint-Hilaire, this ancient Benedictine abbey is known for its beautiful Romanesque architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, and museum, which house a collection of religious artifacts.
  • Limoux Carnival: Held annually in the town of Limoux, this vibrant carnival is one of the longest-running in the world. It features colorful parades, traditional music, and dancing. The carnival is a lively celebration of local culture and attracts visitors from near and far.
  • Musee Petiet: Situated in the heart of Limoux, Musee Petiet is an art museum that showcases a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. The museum particularly focuses on the works of local artists, making it a great place to learn about the region's artistic heritage.
  • Chateau de Couiza: Just a short drive from Limoux, the Chateau de Couiza is a medieval castle that offers guided tours. This well-preserved fortress provides a glimpse into the region's history, and visitors can admire its impressive architecture and explore the surrounding gardens.
  • Rennes-le-Chateau: A small village located on a hilltop, Rennes-le-Chateau is famous for its mysterious history and connections to the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail legend. Visitors can explore the village, visit the church, and learn about the various conspiracy theories that surround this intriguing place.
  • Gorges de la Pierre-Lys: Nature enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to the Gorges de la Pierre-Lys, a stunning canyon located nearby. This picturesque site offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for rock climbing and canoeing.
  • Carcassonne: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Carcassonne is a fortified medieval town that attracts tourists from all over the world. Its well-preserved walls, narrow streets, and impressive castle make it a must-visit destination for history lovers.
  • Canal du Midi: Running through the region, the Canal du Midi is a historic canal that offers scenic boat rides and leisurely walks along its banks. The canal is lined with charming villages, vineyards, and picturesque landscapes, making it a great spot for relaxation and exploration.
  • Cathar Castles: The region surrounding Limoux is dotted with Cathar castles, which were built during the Middle Ages. These castles played a significant role in the Cathar religious movement and offer stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Some notable castles include Puilaurens, Peyrepertuse, and Queribus. 10. Domaine de Gayda: Wine lovers can visit the Domaine de Gayda, a renowned winery located in Brugairolles, near Limoux. The winery offers tours and tastings, allowing visitors to learn about the winemaking process and sample the region's famous wines.

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