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Katharina et Marcel Hirt
6 Rue du prieuré - Les Roches Saint Paul
Ligré (Chinon)



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80





Description for B&B:

La Closerie Saint Martin is situated in the picturesque hamlet of Les Roches Saint Paul, surrounded by vineyards, just 6 km away from Chinon. Housed in the historic outbuildings of a former Priory dating back to the 12th, 14th, and 17th centuries, this charming accommodation offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

Gone are the small monastic rooms, replaced by four spacious and exquisitely decorated rooms adorned with high-quality antique furniture. Each room comes fully equipped with en-suite facilities including a toilet, bath or shower, and a hairdryer.

Our main goal is to provide exceptional hospitality, and we invite you to be our guest and experience our passion for hosting. As part of your stay, we offer a surprising visit to our cellar for a delightful wine tasting experience. Afterward, indulge in a romantic candlelit dinner in our enchanting setting.

With so many wonderful memories awaiting you, we look forward to welcoming you soon.


Appréciations pour La Closerie Saint Martin, Ligré (Chinon):

Soirée et nuitée très agréables
Review by: Arnaud Waquez, Juin 30 2021 8:43AM
Magnifique demeure classée dans un petit village typique à 5 minutes de Chinon. Accueil et service impeccables. Literie et sanitaires de qualité.
Une closerie très conviviale
Review by: Eric Petit, Avr 25 2015 7:03PM
Les hôtes sont charmants, vous accueillent par un apéritif dans la cave à vins (moment très agréable pour faire connaissance avec les autres locataires du lieu), et vous proposent une table d'un remarquable rapport qualité/prix. De plus ils sont très soucieux du bien-être de leurs clients lors du séjour.

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To reach Les-Roches-Saint-Paul from Chinon, follow road D749 towards lIle Bouchard/Sainte Maure de Touraine. After traveling 6 km from Chinon, make a right turn at the sign for "Closerie Saint Martin" in Les-Roches-Saint-Paul.

From lIle Bouchard, take road D760 towards Chinon. After passing through the village of Anché, continue straight at the roundabout and follow the signs for Chinon. Take the second left turn to Les-Roches-Saint-Paul at the sign for "Closerie Saint Martin."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 80 100 25 oui


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Chinon: Located in the nearby town of Chinon, this medieval fortress offers stunning views of the Vienne River. It was once the residence of French kings and is famous for its association with Joan of Arc.
  • Abbaye de Fontevraud: Just a short drive away, this majestic abbey is the largest surviving monastic complex in Europe. It houses the tombs of several Plantagenet kings and queens, including Richard the Lionheart and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
  • Château d'Ussé: Known as the inspiration for the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, this beautiful castle boasts a blend of medieval and Renaissance architectural styles. Visitors can explore its furnished rooms and enjoy the picturesque gardens.
  • Château de Villandry: Offering exquisite Renaissance gardens, this château is renowned for its meticulously designed and maintained ornamental gardens. Visitors can also tour the castle's opulent interior, which showcases various architectural styles.
  • Château de Saumur: Situated in the town of Saumur, this castle overlooks the Loire River and is known for its military history. It houses the Musée des Blindés, a museum displaying an impressive collection of tanks and armored vehicles.
  • Domaine de Roiffé: A short distance from Ligré, this picturesque estate offers a range of activities including golf, horseback riding, and wine tasting. The beautiful surroundings and well-maintained facilities make it a popular destination for leisure and relaxation.
  • Musée du Vin de Chinon: Located in Chinon, this museum showcases the rich wine-making heritage of the region. Visitors can learn about the history of winemaking, explore interactive exhibits, and enjoy wine tastings.
  • Château de Langeais: This medieval fortress, situated near the town of Langeais, is known for its well-preserved architecture and history. Visitors can explore its towers, drawbridge, and the impressive Tapestry Hall.
  • Caves of Candes-Saint-Martin: These underground caves, located in the village of Candes-Saint-Martin, offer a fascinating glimpse into the region's troglodyte heritage. Visitors can explore the caves and learn about their historical significance. 10. Loire River: As one of the most famous rivers in France, the Loire offers scenic boat cruises and opportunities for cycling or walking along its banks. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful landscapes, vineyards, and charming villages that line the river.

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