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Rik Verhenneman
Col des Caougnous


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Price per night:

price from €240




Description for B&B:

Las Trinquades is located in a one-of-a-kind area of Ariège, nestled in an untouched part of the Pyrenees that has yet to be discovered by bustling tourists. Situated 30 km from the charming capital of Couserans, Saint-Girons, and approximately 7 km from Massat, at an altitude of 870m, this place offers an extraordinary vista of the lush valley and the majestic Mont Vallier mountain range. It is the ideal destination to embrace tranquility, unwind, and be captivated by the beauty of nature's poetry. Accommodation options include charming "chambres d'hôtes" or individual chalets, each equipped with one double bed and one single bed, a bathroom with a shower, washbasin, and toilet, as well as a private terrace boasting stunning views of the valley and mountains. A hearty breakfast is included to start your day off right.

Description for Gite

Experience a remarkable getaway in our exquisite gîte, designed in a rustic log cabin style, accommodating 4 to 6 individuals comfortably. The accommodation features a charming bedroom with a luxurious double bed, a cozy mezzanine boasting three single beds, and a spacious living room equipped with two additional single beds. Indulge in relaxation within the modern bathroom, complete with a refreshing shower, washbasin, and toilet facilities. Notably, our gîte offers a private terrace affording breathtaking views of the surrounding valley and majestic mountains.


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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions:

1. Start at Foix and head towards Tarascon.
2. From Tarascon, continue in the direction of Massat, St Girons, and Col de Port.
3. After traveling 6km along the road, you will reach Col des Caougnous.
4. At Col des Caougnous, look for the sign for Las Trinquades on your left and follow it.
5. If you are starting from St Girons, go towards Massat and then proceed to Col de Port.
6. Keep an eye out for the sign for Las Trinquades and follow it.
7. At Col des Caougnous, turn right and continue following the signs to your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 240 240 518 incl.
(3 pers.)
2 105 686 incl.
Holiday Home 1 90


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Foix: Located in Foix, about 23 kilometers from Boussenac, the Château de Foix is a medieval fortress that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the castle's impressive architecture, walk along its ramparts, and learn about its rich history through exhibits and guided tours.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: Situated in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, approximately 26 kilometers away, this prehistoric park takes visitors on a journey back in time. It showcases life-size reconstructions of prehistoric animals, ancient cave paintings, and interactive exhibits that provide insights into the lives of our early ancestors.
  • Grotte de Niaux: A fascinating cave system located in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, around 30 kilometers from Boussenac. The Grotte de Niaux is famous for its well-preserved prehistoric paintings, some of which date back over 14,000 years. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the cave and admire these remarkable ancient artworks.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène: Situated in Montgailhard, about 40 kilometers away, Les Forges de Pyrène is a living history museum that showcases traditional crafts and trades from the 19th century. Visitors can witness demonstrations of blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, and other traditional skills, as well as enjoy interactive exhibits and workshops.
  • Montségur Castle: Located in Montségur, approximately 43 kilometers from Boussenac, Montségur Castle is perched on a rocky hilltop and offers panoramic views of the surrounding Pyrenees mountains. This medieval fortress is famous for its association with the Cathar heresy and is a significant historical site in the region.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: Situated in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, approximately 26 kilometers away, this prehistoric park takes visitors on a journey back in time. It showcases life-size reconstructions of prehistoric animals, ancient cave paintings, and interactive exhibits that provide insights into the lives of our early ancestors.
  • Lac de Montbel: Located near Léran, about 45 kilometers from Boussenac, Lac de Montbel is a beautiful reservoir offering various recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking in the picturesque surroundings or simply take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shores.
  • Ax-les-Thermes: Situated around 50 kilometers away, Ax-les-Thermes is a charming mountain town famous for its thermal baths. Visitors can indulge in relaxation and wellness treatments at the various spa centers, explore the town's historic center, or take advantage of the nearby ski resorts for winter sports.
  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Located in the French Pyrenees National Park, approximately 90 kilometers from Boussenac, the Cirque de Gavarnie is a breathtaking natural amphitheater. It features towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and a magnificent cirque glacier. Hiking trails allow visitors to explore the area and admire its stunning beauty. 10. Pic du Midi de Bigorre: Situated in the Pyrenees mountains, about 140 kilometers away, the Pic du Midi de Bigorre is a renowned observatory and mountain peak. Visitors can take a cable car to the summit, where they can enjoy panoramic views of the Pyrenees, visit the observatory, and even stargaze at night. Please note that distances provided are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location within Boussenac.

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