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Sébastien Ou Lynda
351 Avenue De Calés


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Price per night:

price from €95






Description for B&B:

We offer four guest rooms that are all non-smoking. Each room is equipped with a comfortable 160*200 bed, television, and a shower room with private toilets. Some of our rooms can also accommodate one or two additional guests.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast served to you on our beautiful 30m² terrace, which offers stunning views of the Causses. In case of bad weather, we also have a common room where breakfast can be served. However, if you prefer, you can enjoy your breakfast in the park while listening to the delightful birdsong.

Throughout your stay, you will have access to a fully equipped kitchen, which is shared among all our guest rooms. The kitchen includes a Dolce Gusto coffee maker, microwave, fridge, hob, and kettle.

Parking is easy and hassle-free at our property. We also provide amenities such as a hair dryer, cot, and stroller upon request.

Please note that a deposit is required when booking, but it will be refunded in case of cancellation due to confinement.

Our region is rich in natural and cultural wonders. Explore the breathtaking Tarn Gorges and Dourbie, or visit the picturesque Pareloups Lake. If you're feeling adventurous, embark on a canoe trip or try paragliding. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are plenty of options such as running, trail running, hiking, mountain biking, road biking, and motorcycling. The historic city of Montpellier and its charming old town are also worth exploring. Don't miss the impressive Millau viaduct and the glove workshops in the town. Other attractions include the Roquefort Cellars, Dargilan cave, the Village of Peyré, and the Templar castles in Le Larzac. Families will enjoy a visit to Micropolis or spending time at the Accrobranche park in Millau and Aguessac. Finally, indulge in the local gastronomy by visiting markets of local producers and trying delicious treats like Fouace, Flaune, Aligots, Roquefort, and Walnut Cakes.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 95 95 550 550
(3 pers.)
3 95 125 550 750 20




  • Millau Viaduct: Known as the tallest bridge in the world, the Millau Viaduct is a modern architectural marvel. Spanning the Tarn River, it offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and is a must-see for engineering enthusiasts.
  • Millau Old Town: Explore the charming historic center of Millau, filled with narrow streets, medieval buildings, and traditional French architecture. The town is also home to a beautiful Gothic cathedral, Saint-Pierre de Millau.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Located just a short drive from Millau, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of Roquefort cheese. Visit the caves where this unique blue cheese is aged and enjoy a tour to learn about its production process.
  • Gorges du Tarn: Experience nature at its best by visiting the stunning Gorges du Tarn, a deep canyon carved by the Tarn River. Explore the area by hiking, kayaking, or simply admiring the breathtaking views.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated in Saint-Léons, a short distance from Millau, Micropolis is a unique insect-themed park. Discover the fascinating world of insects through interactive exhibits, educational displays, and a beautiful butterfly garden.
  • Larzac Plateau: This vast limestone plateau offers picturesque landscapes and is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. Enjoy panoramic views, visit traditional villages, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.
  • Causse du Larzac: Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Causse du Larzac is a high limestone plateau that showcases stunning vistas and diverse flora and fauna. Explore the area's unique landscape and visit the picturesque villages scattered throughout.
  • Château de Peyrelade: Discover the ruins of the medieval Château de Peyrelade, situated on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Tarn River. The castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich history and provides panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Maison des Vautours: Located in Le Truel, Maison des Vautours is a vulture conservation center dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of endangered vultures. Visitors can learn about these fascinating birds and even witness their feeding. 10. Abbey of Sylvanès: Take a trip to the Abbey of Sylvanès, a beautiful Romanesque-style monastery surrounded by peaceful countryside. The abbey hosts various cultural events, including concerts and art exhibitions, making it a hub for music and spirituality. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from architectural marvels and natural wonders to cultural and historical sites, ensuring there is something for every tourist near Avenue De Calés in Millau, France.

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