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Contact Details:


Jocelyne et Bernard Creyssels
Le Mas Capel
Salles Curan



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

There are three bedrooms available, each furnished with twin beds measuring 90x200. Additionally, there is a family room with a bed measuring 140, and two beds measuring 190 in separate 80 rooms. All rooms are equipped with their own shower rooms and toilets.


Appréciations pour Le mas Capel ( 3 Epis), Salles Curan:

Review by: ELLUL , Nov 27 2013 5:56PM
Ai apprécié mon séjour au Mas Capel fin septembre 2013. L'accueil a été chaleureux ; la chambre était très confortable et le petit déjeuner très copieux . En résumé : étape à conseiller.
chambres dhotes le mas capel
Review by: SIRGEAN ODILE, Mar 8 2010 2:04PM
accueil chaleureux dans un cadre exeptionnel. Un sejour un peu court qui nous laisse que des souvenirs agreables

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Notes: child rate



  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (9.5 km) - Known for its world-famous Roquefort cheese, this charming village offers guided tours of the cheese caves, where visitors can learn about the cheese-making process and sample different varieties of Roquefort.
  • Millau Viaduct (20 km) - Spanning the Tarn Valley, the Millau Viaduct is a stunning architectural marvel and the tallest bridge in the world. Visitors can admire the breathtaking views from the observation deck or enjoy various outdoor activities in the surrounding area.
  • Lac de Pareloup (22 km) - This vast lake is a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, sailing, and kayaking in the crystal-clear waters or simply relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes (28 km) - Located in Saint-Léons, Micropolis is an interactive museum dedicated to the fascinating world of insects. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing live insects, learn about their habitats, and participate in educational workshops.
  • Gorges du Tarn (33 km) - Carved by the Tarn River, the Gorges du Tarn offer breathtaking natural beauty and stunning viewpoints. Visitors can hike along the scenic trails, go canoeing or take a boat ride to fully appreciate the dramatic cliffs and crystal-clear waters.
  • Conques (38 km) - A picturesque medieval village, Conques is famous for its UNESCO-listed Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, admire the well-preserved half-timbered houses, and marvel at the intricate sculptures adorning the abbey.
  • Soulages Museum (41 km) - Located in Rodez, the Soulages Museum is dedicated to the works of the renowned French painter, Pierre Soulages. The museum showcases a vast collection of his abstract paintings and sculptures, providing a unique artistic experience.
  • Viaduc de Millau Visitor Center (41 km) - Situated near the Millau Viaduct, this visitor center offers information about the construction and engineering of the bridge. Visitors can learn about its design through interactive exhibits and watch a documentary detailing its construction process.
  • Rodez Cathedral (43 km) - The imposing Rodez Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rodez, is an impressive Gothic masterpiece. Visitors can admire the intricate architectural details, including its stunning stained glass windows and imposing bell tower. 10. La Couvertoirade (58 km) - Step back in time in this medieval village, located within the Larzac Plateau. La Couvertoirade is known for its well-preserved fortified walls, narrow streets, and ancient buildings. Visitors can explore the village and learn about its fascinating history.