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Fabienne Bertrand Lard
Les Eaux Claires
Saint Auban d'Oze


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Price per night:

price from €57






Description for Gite

Situated in the scenic valley of Buëch, between the enchanting Provence region and the majestic Alps, our charming chalet awaits you. Nestled at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level, the chalet offers stunning views of a pine-covered hillside, as well as the picturesque village of Saint-Auban d'Oze and its valley. With a capacity to accommodate up to 18 guests, our accommodation is perfect for large groups or families. We gladly accept payment by check for your convenience.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature as you relish in the crystal-clear waters and the surrounding landscapes adorned with orchards, beehives, and a friendly animal farmyard. Your children will be delighted by the lively company. Whether you prefer biking, swimming, hiking, paragliding, climbing, or skiing during the winter season, our location offers a wide array of activities to cater to every taste.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 57 7
(3 pers.)
2 68 5.5
Holiday Home 24 170 450 1200 7


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • La Citadelle de Sisteron - Located in Sisteron, a short drive from Les Eaux Claires, La Citadelle de Sisteron is a historic fortress perched on a rocky promontory. It offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes and houses a museum showcasing the region's history.
  • Le Lac de Serre-Ponçon - Situated southeast of Les Eaux Claires, Le Lac de Serre-Ponçon is a picturesque artificial lake nestled amidst beautiful mountains. It is a popular destination for water sports, boating, fishing, and leisurely walks along its scenic shores.
  • Les Gorges de la Méouge - Just east of Saint Auban d'Oze, Les Gorges de la Méouge is a natural wonder characterized by turquoise waters, impressive cliffs, and lush vegetation. Visitors can enjoy hiking, swimming, and picnicking in this unspoiled natural environment.
  • Les Demoiselles Coiffées - Located in the village of Théus, Les Demoiselles Coiffées are unique geological formations resembling hooded statues. These "Crowned Ladies" were shaped by erosion over millions of years and offer a fascinating sight for nature enthusiasts.
  • Le Prieuré de Saint-André-de-Rosans - Situated in Rosans, a short distance from Les Eaux Claires, Le Prieuré de Saint-André-de-Rosans is a well-preserved medieval priory. Visitors can explore its beautiful architecture, including a Romanesque church and a cloister, as well as enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Le Jardin du Labyrinthe - Located in Barret-sur-Méouge, Le Jardin du Labyrinthe is a unique garden featuring intricate mazes, sculptures, and botanical displays. It offers a fun and interactive experience for both children and adults.
  • Les Demoiselles de Cluse - Situated near the village of Cluse, Les Demoiselles de Cluse are imposing rock formations resembling giant mushrooms. This geological site provides a great opportunity for outdoor activities such as rock climbing and hiking.
  • Le Musée de la Vallée - Located in Gap, the capital city of the Hautes-Alpes department, Le Musée de la Vallée is a museum showcasing the cultural and natural heritage of the region. Visitors can explore exhibits on local history, archaeology, traditional crafts, and art. These attractions provide a range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders, allowing visitors to appreciate the diverse offerings of the region surrounding Les Eaux Claires.

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