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Jean-claude Allemand
Lieu Dit La Chaup
Le Devoluy La Joue Du Loup


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Nestled amidst a remarkable variety of wildlife and plant life, this territory captivates with its breathtaking 360° panoramic view, where majestic deer, agile foxes, and our symbolic wolf coexist harmoniously. Throughout all seasons, a plethora of exciting activities await, including alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, invigorating hikes, thrilling mountain biking adventures, exhilarating via ferrata routes, captivating underground explorations, exhilarating cave expeditions, refreshing swims in the nearby lake (only 20 km away), trout fishing, and the delightful pursuit of mushroom picking, among others.


Appréciations pour Chalet Terra Loup, Le Devoluy La Joue Du Loup:

Chalet terraloup
Review by: Nadine et Jacques , Juin 27 2019 4:10PM
Magnifique chalet dans un environnement champêtre et calme avec des possibilités infinies de randonnées.
Chambre spacieuse et lumineuse donnant sur la montagne. Nos hôtes ont tout fait pour que notre séjour corresponde à ce que nous avions rêvé.
Accueil extrêmement chaleureux,cuisine savoureuse et adaptable si besoin.
Merci à nos hôtes pour leur gentillesse, leur simplicité et leur professionnalisme.
Avril 2018
Review by: Béatrice et Pascal, Avr 27 2018 4:11PM
Terra Loup est un endroit merveilleux pour y passer un séjour inoubliable.
Les propriétaires Cathy et Jean-Claude vous accueillent avec une gentillesse et une sympathie sans égal.
Tout est prévu pour passer un séjour reposant dans un cadre majestueux. Le chalet, entouré de montagnes, vous invite à la méditation et le calme y est absolu.
Quant au logement, ce formidable chalet vous offre un décor tout à fait typique des chalets montagnards. Les chambres sont très personnalisées avec tout le confort. Le moindre détail est soigné et je vous recommande la qualité de la literie.
Nous ne saurions que vous conseiller cette étape qui vous laissera un merveilleux souvenir.
N'oublions pas la très bonne cuisine de Jean-Claude qui, après une bonne journée de ballade, vous emplira de bonheur !
Nous y retournerons dès que possible car cet endroit est tout à fait splendide.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80 88 15
(3 pers.)
2 90 110 20
Apartment 1 130 190


Disabled Access


  • La Joue du Loup Ski Resort: Located in the heart of Le Devoluy, La Joue du Loup Ski Resort is a popular winter destination known for its excellent ski slopes and stunning mountain views. It offers a range of activities including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.
  • Superdévoluy Ski Resort: Another renowned ski resort in Le Devoluy, Superdévoluy offers a wide range of winter sports activities. It features well-groomed slopes suitable for all skill levels, as well as a snow park for freestyle enthusiasts.
  • Le Dévoluy Mountain Range: The picturesque mountain range surrounding Le Devoluy is a paradise for nature lovers. It offers numerous hiking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints, alpine lakes, and lush meadows.
  • L'Aventure des Sens: A unique attraction located in Le Dévoluy, L'Aventure des Sens is an adventure park that combines sensory experiences and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy tree climbing, zip-lining, and various challenges designed to stimulate their senses.
  • La Joue du Loup Lake: Situated near the village, La Joue du Loup Lake is a peaceful spot offering a serene environment for relaxation and picnics. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, or simply soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Le Dévoluy Animal Park: This animal park is home to a variety of local wildlife species, including deer, ibex, and marmots. Visitors can take a guided tour to observe and learn about these animals in their natural habitat.
  • The Gorges of the Souloise River: Located a short distance from Le Devoluy, the Gorges of the Souloise River offer a stunning natural spectacle. The river has carved deep canyons through the rocks, creating a beautiful and rugged landscape that is perfect for hiking and photography.
  • La Chapelle-en-Valgaudémar: A picturesque village nestled in the Valgaudémar Valley, La Chapelle-en-Valgaudémar is known for its charming architecture and scenic surroundings. It serves as a starting point for hiking trails leading to the Écrins National Park.
  • Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy: The main village in the area, Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy, offers a glimpse into local life and culture. It features traditional stone buildings, a lovely church, and quaint shops and cafes. 10. Écrins National Park: While not directly adjacent to Le Devoluy, Écrins National Park is worth mentioning as it is a short drive away. This vast protected area is known for its diverse flora and fauna, beautiful alpine landscapes, and opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife spotting. Please note that some attractions may have seasonal availability or specific opening hours, so it is recommended to check beforehand.