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Francoise Madec
Route de Toulvern


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Situated just a few meters away from the mesmerizing sea and picturesque coastal paths, I proudly present my rental rooms available for a night, a weekend, or even longer stays. Nestled within the serene ambiance of Highs Toulvern, this expansive 2-hectare property is enveloped by tranquil countryside and the graceful presence of horses.

Description for Gite

Les Hauts de Toulvern offers six spacious apartments, each accommodating up to four guests. With a generous area of 67m², these apartments feature two comfortable bedrooms, two modern bathrooms, a cozy living room, and a fully-equipped kitchen. Enjoy your favorite shows or movies on the flat screen TV available in every room, and stay connected with free wifi accessible directly from the apartments. Whether you prefer a week-long stay, a weekend getaway, or even an overnight visit, Les Hauts de Toulvern caters to your desired rental duration.


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To reach your destination:
- If traveling by car, follow the N165 and D01 routes.
- If opting for the train, take the TGV from Paris, which will take approximately 3 hours.
- If flying, the Nantes Atlantique Airport is just 1 hour away.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 65 89 220 580 7.00


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


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  • Port-Blanc: A small coastal village near Baden, Port-Blanc offers stunning views of the Gulf of Morbihan. It's a great spot for sailing, fishing, and enjoying a leisurely stroll along the harbor. The village also boasts several restaurants serving delicious seafood dishes.
  • Château de Suscinio: Situated in Sarzeau, approximately 20 kilometers from Baden, Château de Suscinio is a medieval fortress that once served as a residence for the Dukes of Brittany. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, halls, and gardens, and learn about its rich history through interactive exhibitions.
  • Alignements de Carnac: Located in Carnac, around 15 kilometers from Baden, the Alignements de Carnac is a mesmerizing collection of prehistoric standing stones. These ancient megaliths date back thousands of years and offer a fascinating glimpse into the region's past. Guided tours are available to learn more about their significance.
  • Vannes: A historic city situated about 15 kilometers from Baden, Vannes is renowned for its well-preserved medieval quarter. Visitors can wander through narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, explore the beautiful Vannes Cathedral, visit the Château de l'Hermine, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city's markets and waterfront.
  • Golfe du Morbihan Natural Regional Park: Covering a vast area around the Gulf of Morbihan, this natural park offers breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife. Visitors can take boat tours to explore the numerous islands scattered throughout the gulf, hike along the coastal trails, or simply relax and enjoy the tranquility of this protected area.
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  • Jardin aux Papillons: Located in Vannes, Jardin aux Papillons (Butterfly Garden) is a delightful attraction where visitors can observe a variety of colorful butterflies in a tropical greenhouse. The garden also features a collection of exotic plants and offers educational exhibits about the life cycle and behavior of butterflies.
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