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Clémence de Bellefroid
Hameau de Cournille


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Price per night:

price from €100




Description for B&B:

Situated in a serene valley, surrounded by the charming village of Viens and the beautiful ocher hills, lies the idyllic hamlet of Cournille. This enchanting place offers a delightful courtyard, partially sheltered, where one can gather and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Comprising of three separate houses, namely the Shepherd's House, Rose House, and The Big House, each of them can comfortably accommodate a group of 6 to 12 individuals. Additionally, guests can also avail themselves of a spacious room with a cozy fireplace, located in the converted old barn, which can cater to a gathering of up to 60 people.


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5 100 165 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Colorado Provençal: Located in Rustrel, just a short drive from Hameau de Cournille, Colorado Provençal is a unique natural site known for its vibrant ochre-colored cliffs and rock formations. Visitors can explore the picturesque landscape by following marked trails and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Gordes: Situated approximately 10 kilometers away, Gordes is a medieval hilltop village that offers breathtaking views of the Luberon Valley. Wander through its narrow streets lined with charming stone houses, visit the 12th-century castle, and discover local shops, galleries, and cafes.
  • Roussillon: Another nearby village renowned for its ochre cliffs is Roussillon. This colorful town is famous for its vibrant red and yellow buildings that perfectly blend with the surrounding landscape. Stroll through the village, explore art galleries, and take in the unique atmosphere.
  • Abbey of Sénanque: Located near Gordes, the Abbey of Sénanque is a magnificent Cistercian monastery surrounded by lavender fields. This 12th-century abbey is still active today, and visitors can take guided tours to learn about its history and admire the stunning architecture.
  • Lacoste: Perched on a hilltop, the village of Lacoste offers panoramic views of the Luberon region. It is famous for its castle, once owned by the Marquis de Sade, which now hosts cultural events and exhibitions. Enjoy a leisurely walk through the village's narrow streets and visit local shops and art studios.
  • Apt: The town of Apt, located about 20 kilometers away, is known for its rich history and traditional Provençal charm. Explore its old town with its medieval buildings, visit the Sainte-Anne Cathedral, and wander through the lively Saturday morning market offering local products.
  • L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Hameau de Cournille, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is often referred to as the "Venice of Provence" due to its canals and waterwheels. The town is famous for its antique shops and hosts one of the largest antique markets in Europe. Enjoy a stroll along the canals, browse the shops, and visit the impressive Notre-Dame-des-Anges Collegiate Church.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Just a short drive from L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a charming village nestled at the foot of a cliff. It is known for its impressive spring, which is the largest in France. Take a walk along the river, visit the Museum of Petrarch, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this picturesque village. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Hameau de Cournille, offering a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and authentic Provençal charm.

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