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Isabelle Jaoul
3, Impasse de L'occitanie



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Come and experience the warm hospitality of Isabelle and Sylvain at our delightful house situated in the picturesque town of Montagnac, near the renowned tourist destination of Pezenas. Our location is perfect for exploring the beautiful Hérault department or simply unwinding by the pool amidst the serene ambiance of olive trees. We look forward to welcoming you.


Appréciations pour L'Olivette, Montagnac:

Relaxing feeling at home
Review by: Sofia, Patrick e Giacomo, Aou 22 2013 10:59PM
We stayed at Sylvain and Isabelle's place for 2 novità, on the way to' Barcelona from Italy. Everything was perfect!! The room, which is a dependance, is elegant and cozy, with a big bathroom and a wonderful shower! The garden and the swimming pool are perfect to' relax and enjoy the peaceful of the place. The owners Are ver kind, attentive and helpful.
...and the breakfast near the swimming pool just amazing!

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 75 290 380 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Pézenas (6.5 km): A charming town known for its well-preserved Renaissance architecture, Pézenas offers narrow streets lined with artisan shops, art galleries, and beautiful mansions.
  • Abbaye de Valmagne (10.5 km): This ancient Cistercian abbey dates back to the 12th century and features stunning Gothic architecture and a tranquil garden. Visitors can explore the abbey's history and enjoy wine tasting in its cellar.
  • Lac du Salagou (15.5 km): A picturesque lake surrounded by red soil hills, Lac du Salagou is a popular spot for outdoor activities. Visitors can go swimming, boating, hiking, or simply relax on the sandy beach while enjoying the scenic beauty.
  • Cap d'Agde (19 km): Located on the Mediterranean coast, Cap d'Agde is a vibrant seaside resort offering beautiful beaches, a marina, water sports activities, and a lively nightlife. It also boasts the naturist village of Cap d'Agde, known for its clothing-optional beaches.
  • Béziers (19.5 km): Known for its impressive Saint-Nazaire Cathedral and the iconic Canal du Midi, Béziers is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore its charming old town, visit museums, and enjoy local cuisine.
  • Étang de Thau (21 km): This large coastal lagoon is famous for its oyster and mussel farming. Tourists can take boat tours, learn about oyster cultivation, and taste fresh seafood in the surrounding towns of Bouzigues and Mèze.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert (37 km): A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this medieval village is nestled in a picturesque valley. It offers a stunning abbey, quaint cobblestone streets, and access to beautiful hiking trails in the nearby Gorges de l'Hérault.
  • Carcassonne (87 km): A must-visit for history enthusiasts, Carcassonne is a fortified city with an impressive medieval castle and walls. Explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Château Comtal, and immerse yourself in the city's medieval charm.
  • Montpellier (45 km): The vibrant city of Montpellier is known for its lively atmosphere, historical sites, and modern architecture. Visitors can explore the stunning Place de la Comédie, visit the Montpellier Cathedral, and enjoy the city's vibrant cultural scene. 10. Pont du Gard (100 km): A remarkable Roman aqueduct, the Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It offers stunning views of the Gardon River and surrounding landscape, as well as the opportunity to learn about ancient Roman engineering.

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