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Contact Details:


Jeanne Richard
14 Rue Wilson


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €73






Description for B&B:

There are two cozy bed and breakfast accommodations available in a lovely house located in the heart of Locmariaquer, close to Trinité sur Mer and Carnac. The house is conveniently situated just 150 meters away from the port where you can catch a boat to visit the captivating Islands of the Gulf of Morbihan, including Belle-Ile, Houat, and Hoëdic. These bed and breakfasts are officially approved and the rooms are proudly labeled as "Fleurs de Soleil," ensuring a delightful and enjoyable stay.


Appréciations pour Tal ar mor, Locmariaquer:

Chambre d'hôte
Review by: BOIN, Jan 9 2022 7:33PM
Excellent accueil. Très bel emplacement , idéal pour passer de belles vacances.

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Once you reach the N165, continue straight until you reach the beautiful sea-locmariaquer area. From there, head towards the Kerpenhir pier.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 73 73 oui
(3 pers.)
2 70 70 20 oui




  • Locmariaquer Megaliths: Located in the town of Locmariaquer itself, this site features three impressive megalithic monuments, including the famous Table des Marchands, the Er Grah tumulus, and the Grand Menhir Brisé. These ancient structures provide a glimpse into the region's prehistoric past.
  • Golfe du Morbihan: Situated just a short distance from Locmariaquer, the Golfe du Morbihan is a stunning natural bay known for its scenic beauty. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, kayaking, or hiking along the coast to explore the numerous islands and picturesque landscapes.
  • Carnac Stones: Located approximately 17 kilometers from Locmariaquer, the Carnac Stones are one of the most extensive megalithic sites in the world. The site features over 3,000 standing stones arranged in rows, alignments, and dolmens, dating back to the Neolithic period. It offers a unique opportunity to witness ancient history up close.
  • Vannes: Located about 30 kilometers from Locmariaquer, Vannes is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts and a picturesque old town. Visitors can explore the historic streets, visit the stunning Vannes Cathedral, or take a boat trip along the scenic Marle River.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated around 15 kilometers southwest of Locmariaquer, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, rugged coastline, and scenic walking trails. The peninsula offers opportunities for water sports, sunbathing, and exploring charming seaside towns.
  • Belle-Île-en-Mer: Located off the coast of Brittany, Belle-Île-en-Mer is the largest of Brittany's islands and can be reached by ferry from Quiberon. Known for its stunning cliffs, sandy beaches, and charming villages, this island is perfect for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat.
  • Saint-Cado Island: Situated near the town of Belz, approximately 20 kilometers from Locmariaquer, Saint-Cado Island is a tiny island accessible by a picturesque stone bridge. The island is known for its quaint fishermen's cottages and offers scenic views of the nearby river and marshes.
  • Auray: Located just a few kilometers inland from Locmariaquer, Auray is a historic town with a charming old town center. Visitors can explore the cobbled streets, visit the beautiful Saint-Goustan port, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of this picturesque Breton town. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Locmariaquer, offering a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for visitors to explore.

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