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Philippe Delalande
Saint Quay-perros


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Price per week:

price from €430




Description for B&B:

The cottages are designed to comfortably host between 2 to 5 individuals. They feature charming decor, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere, along with a warm and personalized welcome. These accommodations are perfect for those seeking a romantic retreat or a relaxing seaside getaway. Additionally, we offer tailor-made gift cards for an unforgettable experience. To enhance your stay, we discreetly deliver a delightful brunch and breakfast right to the door of your cottage.


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Our location is approximately 5 hours away from Paris, 3 hours from Nantes, 2 hours from Rennes, and 1 hour and 30 minutes from Brest. To reach us, first head towards Lannion and continue on the D767 until you reach Saint-Quay-Perros. If you prefer to take public transportation, you can take the TGV to Guingamp and then it's just a 30-minute car ride to our destination. Please note that late arrival is also possible.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 2 nights minimum


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Paimpol: Located approximately 10 kilometers away from Keregat, Paimpol is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor and historic old town. Visitors can explore the narrow streets lined with traditional houses, visit the Paimpol Museum to learn about the town's maritime history, and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many restaurants.
  • Plougrescant: Plougrescant is a small village situated around 15 kilometers from Keregat. It is famous for its stunning coastline, particularly the unique rock formations known as the "Côte de Granit Rose" (Pink Granite Coast). Visitors can take scenic walks along the coastal paths, visit the Le Gouffre beach, and admire the famous house between two rocks called "Maison du Gouffre."
  • Tréguier: Located around 20 kilometers away, Tréguier is a historic town that offers a glimpse into Brittany's rich heritage. The town is known for its impressive cathedral, Cathédrale Saint-Tugdual, which dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the charming streets, visit the Ernest Renan birthplace museum, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the weekly market.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Keregat, Île-de-Bréhat is a beautiful archipelago known for its colorful landscapes and Mediterranean-like climate. Visitors can take a short ferry ride to the main island, where they can explore the car-free streets, admire the unique flora and fauna, and enjoy the peaceful beaches and coastal trails.
  • Lannion: Lannion is a vibrant town located around 30 kilometers away from Keregat. It offers a mix of historical and modern attractions, including the historic center with its medieval houses, the Church of Brélévenez, and the Baye de Lannion, a natural site known for its diverse bird species. The town also has a variety of shops, restaurants, and cultural events throughout the year.
  • Ploumanac'h: Ploumanac'h, situated approximately 40 kilometers from Keregat, is renowned for its breathtaking coastal scenery and is often referred to as one of the most beautiful villages in France. Visitors can explore the famous pink granite rocks, walk along the Sentier des Douaniers (Customs Officer's Path), and enjoy panoramic views of the sea and lighthouse. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic towns to enjoying the natural beauty of the coastline.

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