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Faisant Alain
9 La Lande Du Tournay


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price from €340





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Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming gîtes! The main sleeping area is accessible via a unique staircase, leading to an independent mezzanine with a comfortable 140 x 190 cm bed and a small desk. In the reception hall, which was once the farm's stable, you will be greeted and have access to the gîtes and laundry room. We provide a large parking lot and a shed for your bikes.

One of the highlights of your stay is the opportunity to bake your own traditional bread in our restored stone oven. Additionally, our knowledgeable hosts, who are astronomy enthusiasts, offer the chance to explore the stars using a laser pointer. A permacultured celestial garden is also located nearby, providing enjoyment for both young and old.

Children are free to roam within the enclosed space of the farmhouse and observe the grazing animals in the meadow. Our gîtes are an excellent starting point for hiking or cycling, with the GR 34 C just 50m away. The Canal d'Ille et Rance, Voie Verte, and Base de Loisirs de Bétineuc (Dinan Agglomeration) are all within 1 km. The medieval town of Dinan is a short 8 km drive.

If you wish to explore further, Cap Fréhel, St Cast, the islands of Ebihens, Dinard, Saint Malo, Cancale, the bay of Mont St Michel, Forêt de Brocéliande, and Rennes are all within a 30 to 40 km radius.

Our gîtes are named Gîte le Céleste (33m2) and Gîte les Alizés (25m2). The weekly rate for Gîte le Céleste is 390 Euros, with a deposit of 120 Euros. For Gîte les Alizés, the weekly rate is 340 Euros, with a deposit of 100 Euros. During the off-season, we offer reductions ranging from 10% to 20%. We also accept animals under certain conditions, with a fee of 5 Euros per day.

As an added convenience, we provide other services on-site, including guided themed hikes.


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To reach the Lande du Tournay, start by heading 8 kilometers south of Dinan. Once there, follow the Calorguen D26 road and continue for 200 meters. Just before the bend on the right, you will find the Lande du Tournay. The coordinates to guide you are GPS48.3844 N 2.018W.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 2 50 58 340 390 15 7


Animals Allowed


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  • Le Mont-Saint-Michel: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the iconic Mont-Saint-Michel is a medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. Accessible by a causeway during low tide or shuttle buses during high tide, visitors can marvel at the abbey's Gothic architecture, stroll through the charming village, and soak in the breathtaking views of the surrounding bay.
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  • Les Jardins de Brocéliande: Situated in Bréal-sous-Montfort, these enchanting gardens are inspired by the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Visitors can wander through themed gardens, discover mythical creatures, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. 10. Rennes: As the capital of Brittany, Rennes offers a mix of history, culture, and vibrant city life. Explore the historic center with its half-timbered houses, visit the impressive Rennes Cathedral, and enjoy the bustling atmosphere of the city's squares and markets.

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