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Martine Peucker-Braun
Route de Drouillette
Le Donzeil


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

The first floor of the property features two bedrooms - one with twin beds and the other with a double bed. Additionally, there is a bathroom and a separate WC on this floor. The attic, which can be conveniently accessed from the barn, boasts a spacious double bedroom with a dressing room and private amenities. Moreover, during the summer season, jazz concerts take place in the adjacent barn.

Description for Gite

This cozy gite features two bedrooms on the first floor. One bedroom is equipped with two beds, while the other offers a comfortable double bed. Guests can enjoy a shared bathroom and toilet. Additionally, there is direct access to the attic of the barn, where a spacious room awaits. This room boasts a double bed, a wardrobe, and a separate bathroom. During the summer season, our guests can look forward to delightful jazz concerts held in the barn.


Appréciations pour Pierre Bergère, Le Donzeil:

Pierre Bergère
Review by: Anne K, Sep 12 2012 12:03PM
Très belles chambres d'hôtes, le cadre est vraiment superbe et les photos reflètent mal le havre de paix où nous avons passé une très bonne nuit. Accueil des propriétaires extrêmement sympathiques, on se sent rapidement à l'aise et repas excellent ! Plein de randonnées à faire au départ même de la maison et aussi aux alentours.

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To get to Pierre Bergère, starting from Ahun, follow the D13 road towards Pontarion. After traveling 8.5 km, make a right turn onto the C5 road. Continue for 1 km, and you will find Pierre Bergère on your right.

If you are coming from Pontarion, take the D13 road towards Ahun. After passing Chaussadas, take a left turn onto the C5 road (just before reaching the turning to Le Donzeil). Proceed as mentioned above to reach Pierre Bergère.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 70 oui
(3 pers.)
1 70 70 oui


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


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