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2 Rue Joseph Conrad - Ile Grande
Pleumeur Bodou


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Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

Experience luxury and exclusivity on the ground floor of our guesthouse, where a private entrance awaits you. Indulge in the opulence of a high-class offer featuring a splendid bedroom and an ensuite bathroom. The bedroom boasts a majestic king-size bed, complete with a courtesy tray and wifi access for your convenience. Step into the bathroom, adorned with an indoor garden, mosaic tiles, and pebbles, where a rejuvenating multi-jets shower awaits. The bathroom also includes a toilet for your privacy. Please note that the room is strictly non-smoking and pets are not allowed. Start your day with an organic "gourmand" breakfast, prepared to satisfy your taste buds. Rest assured, parking is conveniently available near the guesthouse.


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GPS coordinates: 48°4758"N / 3°3441"E
Starting from Lannion, head towards Pleumeur-Bodou / Ile Grande (Enez Veur) on D21 road. Drive through Pleumeur-Bodou and Penvern until you reach the coastline. Take a left turn followed by a right turn, and continue until you reach Ile Grande. Once at the top of the village, make a left turn and drive through the village (passing the church). Follow the street named Rue du Port downhill. Turn left at 11 rue du Port, and you will find the small street called Rue Joseph Conrad.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: organic breakfast




  • Planetarium de Bretagne: Located in Pleumeur Bodou, the Planetarium de Bretagne offers visitors a unique experience of the universe. It features a dome-shaped projection screen displaying captivating shows about space and astronomy.
  • Cite des Telecoms: Situated in Pleumeur Bodou, the Cite des Telecoms is an interactive museum dedicated to telecommunications. Visitors can explore the history of communication technology and even climb to the top of the Radome, a gigantic white dome that once served as a satellite ground station.
  • Ile Grande: Just steps away from your location, Ile Grande is a picturesque island known for its natural beauty and serene atmosphere. It offers scenic walking trails, tranquil beaches, and opportunities for birdwatching. Take a leisurely stroll around the island and enjoy its peaceful surroundings.
  • Le Village Gaulois: Located in Pleumeur Bodou, Le Village Gaulois is an open-air museum that recreates a Gaulish village from the ancient past. Visitors can explore the reconstructed huts, learn about Gaulish culture, and even participate in fun activities like archery or traditional crafts.
  • Le Phare de Mean Ruz: Situated in Pleumeur Bodou, Le Phare de Mean Ruz is a charming lighthouse offering stunning views of the coastline. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy panoramic vistas of the surrounding area, including the beautiful Ile Grande.
  • Parc du Radome: Adjacent to the Cite des Telecoms, Parc du Radome features the iconic Radome structure, which once housed the first telecommunication satellite. The park offers pleasant walking paths, picnic spots, and a chance to admire this impressive historical landmark.
  • La Vallee des Saints: Located in Carnoet, La Vallee des Saints is a unique sculpture park dedicated to Breton saints. It showcases hundreds of granite statues representing various saints from Brittany's rich cultural heritage. Visitors can wander through the park and learn about local legends and traditions.
  • Tregastel Beach: Situated in Tregastel, just a short drive away, Tregastel Beach is a stunning sandy beach known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters. It is a perfect spot for sunbathing, swimming, and various water activities like kayaking or paddleboarding.
  • Aquarium Marin de Tregastel: Also found in Tregastel, the Aquarium Marin offers a fascinating underwater journey. Visitors can observe a wide range of marine life, including colorful fish, seahorses, and even sharks. There are informative exhibits and interactive displays to enhance the experience. 10. Ploumanac'h Lighthouse and Pink Granite Coast: A little further away, Ploumanac'h Lighthouse and the Pink Granite Coast are worth a visit. Located in Perros-Guirec, this area boasts stunning rock formations with a pink hue, picturesque coastal paths, and the iconic lighthouse perched on a rocky promontory. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate, and it is advisable to check for opening hours and any restrictions before visiting these attractions.

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