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Stephane Junger
13 Domaine Des Alberes


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price from €575






Description for B&B:

This comfortable house is located within a private domain, nestled at the base of the stunning Albères mountain range. Just 7 km away, you will find the beautiful coastline, and only 15 km away lies the enchanting country of Spain. The house boasts modern amenities such as air conditioning, ensuring a pleasant stay. Additionally, there is a convenient parking space available. Within the domain, residents have access to a communal swimming pool and tennis courts, allowing for leisure and recreation.

Description for Gite

This house is situated in a beautiful estate at the base of the Albères mountains, just 7 km away from the mesmerizing sea and 15 km from the enchanting country of Spain. Offering utmost comfort, the house is equipped with air-conditioning for your convenience. Additionally, a parking space is provided for your vehicle. You can also enjoy the wonderful amenities available in the estate, such as a communal swimming pool and tennis court.


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extra bed
Apartment 6 575 750


Swimming Pool


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  • The Dali Museum, Figueres: Just across the border in Spain, this museum is dedicated to the iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Discover his mind-bending masterpieces and explore the museum's unique architecture.
  • Banyuls-sur-Mer: A charming coastal town known for its vineyards and wine production, Banyuls-sur-Mer offers beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and opportunities for wine tasting. Enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere and relax by the sea. 10. Canet-en-Roussillon: A popular seaside resort town, Canet-en-Roussillon offers beautiful sandy beaches, water sports activities, and a vibrant promenade lined with restaurants, bars, and shops. Enjoy a day of sunbathing, swimming, and exploring the lively town. These attractions near Sorede offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, ensuring a diverse range of activities for visitors to enjoy.

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