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Jaouen Joel
Pen Lann
St Pol de Leon



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €45






Description for B&B:

We offer 5 spacious rooms and guarantee a complimentary breakfast with our rates. We provide ample parking facilities and guests also have the option to prepare their own meals if desired.


Appréciations pour Les Fromentines, St Pol de Leon:

Excellent accueil
Review by: Kampostal, Aou 3 2021 6:57AM
Excellent accueil de M.Jaouen. Juste un détail et à titre préventif , si ça peut aider les personnes qui ont la phobie de nos amies arachnides, vous aurez de la compagnie...Mais nous sommes à la campagne, n'est ce pas ..?
Ne pas hésiter, allez chez Joël et Michelle
Review by: Evelyne BLANCA, Aou 7 2013 6:56PM
Accueil formidable dans un lieu super calme, avec des petits déjeuner instructif de la part de Mr Joël qui nous parle de la région avec son coeur, nous donne de bons conseils pour visiter la région.
Nous sommes venus loger chez eux plusieurs fois et reviendrons avec grand plaisir.

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 45 x


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Animals Allowed


  • Cathedral of Saint Pol Aurélien: Located in the heart of St Pol de Leon, this Gothic cathedral is known for its stunning architecture and beautiful stained glass windows. It is a significant religious site and a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Jardin Exotique de Roscoff: Situated in the neighboring town of Roscoff, this exotic garden is home to a wide variety of rare plants and flowers from around the world. Visitors can explore the vibrant gardens and enjoy panoramic views of the coast.
  • Château du Taureau: Located in the Bay of Morlaix, this historic fortress dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can take a boat trip to the castle and explore its stone walls, cannons, and underground chambers, while learning about its rich maritime history.
  • Morlaix Old Town: Just a short drive from St Pol de Leon, the old town of Morlaix is a picturesque area filled with timber-framed houses, narrow cobbled streets, and charming squares. Visitors can wander through the medieval streets, visit the Maison à Pondalez (a unique half-timbered house), and enjoy the vibrant local atmosphere.
  • Ile de Batz: A small island situated off the coast of Roscoff, Ile de Batz is a haven of natural beauty. Visitors can take a short ferry ride to the island and explore its sandy beaches, lush gardens, and iconic lighthouse. The island is also known for its traditional Breton houses and quaint village.
  • Cairn of Barnenez: Located near the town of Plouezoc'h, the Cairn of Barnenez is one of the oldest and largest megalithic monuments in Europe. It consists of a burial mound and a collection of standing stones, dating back over 6,000 years. Visitors can explore the site and learn about its fascinating Neolithic history.
  • La Maison des Johnnies et de l'Oignon de Roscoff: This museum in Roscoff showcases the history and tradition of the famous Roscoff onions, which have been cultivated in the region for centuries. Visitors can learn about the onion farming techniques, taste local delicacies, and explore the interactive exhibits.
  • Plage de Sainte Anne: A beautiful sandy beach located in Roscoff, Plage de Sainte Anne offers a tranquil spot for relaxation and sunbathing. Visitors can enjoy the clear waters, take leisurely walks along the coastline, or indulge in water sports activities such as kayaking and windsurfing.
  • Oceanopolis: Situated in Brest, approximately an hour's drive from St Pol de Leon, Oceanopolis is a popular aquarium and marine center. It features various themed pavilions showcasing marine life from different regions, including tropical, polar, and temperate zones. Visitors can explore the fascinating underwater world and learn about marine conservation. 10. Château de Kerjean: Located near the town of Saint-Vougay, this beautiful Renaissance castle is a true architectural gem. Visitors can wander through its grand halls, admire the intricate woodwork, and explore the surrounding gardens. The castle also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.

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