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15 Rue Des Bouteilles
Aix En Provence


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Price per week:

price from €334



Description for B&B:

This charming and cozy studio is perfectly situated in the heart of the historic center of Aix en Provence, in a pedestrian area. Located on the quiet 2nd floor with a skylight overlooking the courtyard, it offers a peaceful atmosphere. The studio features an entrance that leads to the living room with a kitchen area equipped with a fridge, microwave, and two ceramic hobs. It also includes a bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower. The double bed on the mezzanine can be accessed by a ladder. The studio showcases beautiful floor tiles.

The building is located on a lovely square called André Antonini, which is nestled between Place Albertas, Place des 3 Ormeaux, and Place des Prêcheurs, all of which are in close proximity to the Town Hall. Everything you need is within walking distance, including a variety of restaurants, shops, bars, markets, and museums. Additionally, there is a Monopouvert supermarket just 30 meters away, which is open until midnight.

The price per night includes all charges such as electricity, Wi-Fi, and tourist tax. From Monday to Thursday, the rate is 39 euros per night, while from Friday to Sunday it is 49 euros per night. There is also a cleaning fee of 15 euros. The minimum stay is 2 nights, and the weekly rate is 290 euros. For a monthly stay, the rate is 650 euros for the first month and 590 euros for a stay of 2 or 3 months maximum.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 1 39 49 290 290




  • Cours Mirabeau: Located within walking distance from Rue Des Bouteilles, Cours Mirabeau is a vibrant and historic street lined with elegant mansions, cafes, and shops. It is a popular spot for leisurely walks and people-watching.
  • Aix Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d'Aix-en-Provence): Situated in the heart of Aix-en-Provence, this stunning cathedral dates back to the 5th century. It features a mix of architectural styles, including Gothic, Romanesque, and Baroque, and houses beautiful works of art.
  • Musée Granet: Just a short stroll from Rue Des Bouteilles, Musée Granet is an art museum that displays an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and archaeological artifacts. It showcases works by renowned artists such as Cézanne, Monet, and Van Gogh.
  • Atelier Cézanne: This former studio of the famous painter Paul Cézanne offers visitors a unique glimpse into his life and artistic process. Located a little further from the city center, it is surrounded by picturesque landscapes that inspired many of Cézanne's masterpieces.
  • Pavillon de Vendôme: A tranquil and charming garden located near Rue Des Bouteilles, the Pavillon de Vendôme is a 17th-century mansion surrounded by beautifully landscaped grounds. It provides a peaceful retreat for visitors to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Les Deux Garçons: A historic café situated on Cours Mirabeau, Les Deux Garçons has been a popular meeting place for artists, intellectuals, and locals since 1792. Enjoy a cup of coffee or a delicious meal while immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Aix-en-Provence.
  • Montagne Sainte-Victoire: A short drive from the city center, Montagne Sainte-Victoire is a majestic mountain that inspired many of Cézanne's landscapes. It offers stunning hiking trails, picturesque views, and a chance to connect with nature.
  • Les Calanques: Located a little further away but worth the visit, Les Calanques are a series of breathtaking limestone cliffs and turquoise coves along the Mediterranean coast. You can explore these natural wonders by hiking, swimming, or taking a boat tour.
  • Château La Coste: Situated in the countryside near Aix-en-Provence, Château La Coste is a vineyard known not only for its excellent wines but also for its contemporary art installations and architecture. Take a tour, enjoy wine tasting, and admire the fusion of art and nature. 10. Marseille: While not in Aix-en-Provence, Marseille is a vibrant port city located approximately 30 kilometers away. It offers a wide range of attractions, including the picturesque Vieux Port, the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, and the bustling Le Panier neighborhood.

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