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Sarah & Jean-Michel
19 Avenue du Minervois
La Redorte



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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Welcome to La Marelle, a charming 16th-century house situated in the beautiful Minervois region. Just a short 20-minute drive from Carcassonne and conveniently close to the sea, Cathar castles, abbeys, and medieval villages, this location offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural exploration.

Owned by Sarah and Jean-Michel, La Marelle boasts five comfortable bedrooms, each equipped with a private en suite bathroom and toilets for your convenience.

At La Marelle, we believe that food is a vital part of your stay. Indulge in a delectable gourmet breakfast, featuring homemade pastries and jams, freshly prepared fruit juices, a selection of cereals, and much more. In the evenings, treat yourself to a grand dining experience, where you can savor mouthwatering regional dishes made with the finest local ingredients.

Come and experience the tranquility and culinary delights of La Marelle, nestled in the charming village of La Redorte, by the picturesque Canal du Midi.


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  • Canal du Midi: Located just a short distance from your address, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction. This 17th-century canal stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea, offering picturesque views, scenic boat rides, and charming villages along its banks.
  • Château de Paraza: Situated in the village of Paraza, this beautiful castle is a must-visit attraction. Dating back to the 17th century, the Château de Paraza features stunning architecture, lush gardens, and vineyards. Visitors can enjoy wine tastings, explore the castle's interior, and take in panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Abbaye de Caunes-Minervois: Just a short drive away, the Abbaye de Caunes-Minervois is a striking medieval abbey nestled in the Minervois wine region. This historic site boasts impressive Gothic architecture, a tranquil cloister, and a fascinating history dating back to the 8th century. Guided tours are available to learn more about the abbey's past and admire its artistic treasures.
  • Cathar Castles: Within a reasonable driving distance, you'll find several Cathar castles, which are remnants of the medieval Cathar movement. Some notable castles include Château de Lastours, Château de Quéribus, and Château de Peyrepertuse. These fortresses offer captivating views, intriguing histories, and the opportunity to explore the medieval ruins.
  • Carcassonne: Located approximately 25 kilometers away, Carcassonne is a fortified city that attracts visitors from around the world. The UNESCO-listed citadel, known as La Cité, is a medieval masterpiece with its double-walled fortifications, cobbled streets, and impressive Gothic cathedral. Inside, you'll find charming shops, restaurants, and museums to explore.
  • Minerve: Situated about 20 kilometers from your address, the village of Minerve is nestled in a picturesque gorge. This historic village is known for its natural beauty, ancient streets, and fascinating Cathar history. Visitors can wander through the quaint streets, visit the Cathar museum, and enjoy breathtaking views from the overlook points.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 30 kilometers away, Narbonne is a vibrant city with a rich Roman history. Highlights include the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, the Roman Horreum Museum, and the colorful Les Halles market. Stroll along the Canal de la Robine, explore the historic center, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.
  • Lagrasse: Situated around 25 kilometers from your address, Lagrasse is a charming medieval village known for its abbey and picturesque setting. The Abbey of St. Mary of Lagrasse is a remarkable example of Romanesque architecture, and the village itself offers quaint streets, artisan shops, and lovely riverside walks. These attractions near your location offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks and medieval architecture to natural beauty and cultural treasures.

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