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Christian Demathieu


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price from €61






Description for B&B:

Luthier's Residence: This guest suite, attached to the main house, offers complete independence across two floors and can comfortably accommodate three people. It is ideal for extended stays, allowing you to quickly settle in and fully enjoy the numerous charms of the surroundings and the region. With amenities like a bath, walk-in shower, fireplace, and garden, your stay here promises ultimate relaxation and comfort.

Cooper's Residence: This charming double room is located in a separate building on the farm and spreads across two floors, comfortably accommodating a family of four. Perfect for the entire family, you can enjoy a delightful breakfast on the terrace or inside, at a time that suits you.

Sabotier's Residence: Nestled in the penty, the oldest building on the farm dating back to 1860, this guest suite offers complete independence across two levels and can comfortably accommodate three people. Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of wood and stone, enhanced by a centuries-old granite fireplace.

Description for Gite

Welcome to the charming Cidrier Cottage! Nestled in a serene location, away from the main house, this delightful accommodation is perfect for a party of four. Surrounded by a picturesque garden spanning 1000 m2, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the lush orchard and majestic meadow ponies.


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Tréméoc can be found in the Finistère region, situated along the road connecting Quimper to Pont Labbé. There are clear signs from the church guiding you to the farm.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 61 104 427 728 22
(3 pers.)
2 74 150 518 1050 27
Holiday Home 1 50 75 470 575 8


Animals Allowed


  • Pointe du Raz: Located about 30 kilometers northwest of Kerhors, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic headland known as the "End of the World." It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, rugged cliffs, and the famous Raz de Sein, a treacherous passage for ships.
  • Quimper: Situated approximately 20 kilometers east of Kerhors, Quimper is a historic city famous for its well-preserved medieval center. Visit the stunning Gothic Quimper Cathedral, explore the charming streets lined with half-timbered houses, and admire the impressive Musée des Beaux-Arts.
  • Locronan: A picturesque village located around 25 kilometers northeast of Kerhors, Locronan is known for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture. Stroll through its cobbled streets, visit the Church of St. Ronan, and browse the craft shops selling traditional Breton goods.
  • Pont-Aven: Situated about 35 kilometers southeast of Kerhors, Pont-Aven is an artistic town renowned for its association with the Post-Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin. Explore the charming riverside setting, visit art galleries, and enjoy the local cuisine in the town's numerous cafés and restaurants.
  • Concarneau: Located around 40 kilometers east of Kerhors, Concarneau is a fortified town on a peninsula. Discover the Ville Close, a walled town within the larger city, offering narrow streets, shops, and restaurants. Don't miss the Musée de la Pêche, dedicated to the town's rich maritime heritage.
  • Île de Sein: Accessible by ferry from Audierne, Île de Sein is a small island located about 15 kilometers northwest of Kerhors. Known for its rugged beauty, this peaceful island offers stunning coastal walks, a charming village, and a lighthouse with panoramic views.
  • Locmariaquer: Situated approximately 60 kilometers southeast of Kerhors, Locmariaquer is a coastal town known for its prehistoric sites. Explore the impressive Megalithic Complex, including the Grand Menhir Brisé and the Table des Marchands, which provide fascinating insights into the region's ancient history.
  • Guilvinec: Located about 30 kilometers northwest of Kerhors, Guilvinec is a vibrant fishing port. Visit the bustling fish market, observe the colorful boats returning with their catches, and learn about the local fishing industry at the Haliotika - La Cité de la Pêche museum. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Kerhors, offering a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural experiences.

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