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Durand Villant Cathy
Route du Moulin Le Pras
Débats Rivière D'orpra


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Price per night:

price from €67




Description for B&B:

We have prepared a comfortable and snug room measuring 30 m2 just for you. It features a bathroom equipped with a shower and toilet. In the room, you will find a cozy 140-bed, a small table, and even a former cradle for accommodating a baby.

On the upper floor, there is a delightful space where you can unwind. It includes a sofa and a library, perfect for relaxation. Additionally, there is an adjoining room with a microwave, refrigerator, and all the necessary amenities for making tea and coffee. You can also enjoy some music while you relax.

To ensure your privacy, a lovely private terrace has been exclusively created for you.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 67 10 oui


Swimming Pool
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