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Contact Details:


Theresa Wildsmith
14 Avenue Du 8 Mai 1945


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price from €85



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  • Château de Caylus: Located in the heart of the town, this medieval fortress is a major tourist attraction. Explore its well-preserved walls, towers, and courtyards, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Grotte du Bosc: Just a short drive from Caylus, this cave offers a unique underground experience. Marvel at the stunning rock formations and learn about the cave's archaeological significance.
  • Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Caylus, this picturesque medieval village is worth a visit. Wander through its charming streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and visit the local market.
  • Forêt de la Grésigne: A scenic forest located around 30 kilometers away, the Grésigne Forest is perfect for nature lovers. Enjoy hiking trails, picnic spots, and beautiful panoramic views.
  • Abbaye de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue: This beautiful abbey, located about 35 kilometers from Caylus, is a stunning example of Romanesque architecture. Explore the cloisters, gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Château de Penne: Situated in the village of Penne, approximately 40 kilometers away, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Take a guided tour and immerse yourself in the castle's history.
  • Najac: A charming village located around 45 kilometers from Caylus, Najac is known for its impressive medieval fortress. Explore the narrow streets, visit the local market, and enjoy the panoramic views from the castle.
  • Gorges de l'Aveyron: For nature enthusiasts, these stunning gorges located about 50 kilometers away are a must-visit. Enjoy hiking, canoeing, and admire the dramatic landscapes carved by the Aveyron River.
  • Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Located approximately 55 kilometers from Caylus, this historic town offers a rich architectural heritage. Visit the impressive Notre-Dame Collegiate Church and explore the charming old town. 10. Albi: Situated around 70 kilometers away, Albi is famous for its magnificent red-brick cathedral, Sainte-Cécile, and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum. Explore the UNESCO-listed historic center and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of this charming city.

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