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Virginie Roussellot
13 Rue De Beaulieu
La Gripperie Saint Symphorien



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Price per night:

price from €120




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Description for B&B:

Nestled in the heart of a protected natural area, this charming caravan offers an authentic and refreshing experience. From your terrace, you can savor an exceptional panoramic view of the Broue tower, Brouage marsh, Hiers Brouage city, Marennes bell tower, and even storks nesting.

This unique accommodation, handcrafted from solid wood with reinforced insulation, ensures comfort throughout the year. You can enjoy the nearby sea and an indoor heated swimming pool, available from January 1 to December 31. The cottage can accommodate up to three people (additional charges apply).

Prepare for unforgettable moments as you immerse yourself in the bucolic atmosphere of the orchard and coastal marsh. As night falls, the mesmerizing sights of the sea, Oléron Island, and the lighthouses of Aix Island and Port des Barques will unfold on the horizon.

For added convenience, the option of on-site meal delivery by an Italian caterer and soothing massages by a professional are available.

Description for Gite

The charming wooden caravan is equipped with modern amenities including a microwave, toaster, coffee machine, fridge, and kettle. Guests are welcome to unwind on the serene terrace while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

Additionally, guests have access to a luxurious heated indoor pool, perfect for a refreshing swim or a relaxing dip.

For those who love outdoor cooking, barbecue facilities are provided, allowing guests to savor delicious grilled meals. The garden is also a peaceful spot where guests can unwind and find tranquility.


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To explore the islands, the Gironde estuary, and the Romanesque Saintonge (Saintes), head towards Royan and the island of Oléron from La Rochelle and Rochefort, located to the north. La Gripperie Saint Symphorien village, situated south of both cities, serves as an ideal base for your travels.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Sheets, towels and breakfast included
Notes: Sheets, towels and breakfast included
Notes: Price given for 2 people; price according to season


Swimming Pool


  • Fort Louvois: Located on an island in the Charente Maritime, Fort Louvois is a 17th-century coastal fortification. Visitors can explore the fort's underground passages, climb its walls for stunning views of the sea, and learn about its historical significance.
  • La Corderie Royale: Situated in Rochefort, La Corderie Royale is a former royal ropeworks factory that now serves as a museum. It offers exhibits on maritime history, shipbuilding, and the production of ropes. The site also features beautiful gardens and a replica of the Hermione, a famous frigate.
  • Île d'Oléron: The largest island off the French Atlantic coast, Île d'Oléron offers beautiful sandy beaches, charming villages, and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can explore the island's historic sites, indulge in fresh seafood, and enjoy various water sports activities.
  • Brouage: This fortified town is known for its rich history and well-preserved ramparts. Brouage was once a prosperous salt trading port and a significant military stronghold. Today, it attracts tourists with its medieval architecture, quaint streets, and cultural events.
  • Royal Rope Factory of Rochefort: Another attraction in Rochefort, this former rope factory has been transformed into a cultural center. Visitors can learn about the rope-making process, discover the history of the factory, and enjoy exhibitions and art installations.
  • La Rochelle: A vibrant coastal city, La Rochelle offers a picturesque harbor, charming old town, and numerous cultural attractions. Visitors can explore the historic towers guarding the entrance to the harbor, visit the renowned aquarium, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city's bustling streets and waterfront.
  • Marennes: Known as the oyster capital of the region, Marennes is a charming town that offers a fascinating insight into oyster farming. Visitors can tour oyster farms, taste fresh oysters, and learn about the local maritime traditions.
  • Château de La Roche-Courbon: Situated near Saint-Porchaire, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a moat. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant interior, stroll through the landscaped grounds, and attend various events and exhibitions held on-site.
  • Saintes: Located on the banks of the Charente River, Saintes is a town rich in Roman heritage. It boasts well-preserved Roman ruins, including an impressive amphitheater and an ancient arch. Visitors can also explore the town's historic center, visit the Sainte-Marie-des-Dames Abbey, and enjoy the local gastronomy. 10. Palmyre Zoo: Situated near Royan, Palmyre Zoo is one of the most popular zoological parks in France. It is home to a wide variety of animals, including lions, giraffes, elephants, and primates. Visitors of all ages can enjoy educational exhibits, shows, and the opportunity to observe fascinating wildlife.

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