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Myriam Seignol
55 Impasse Montvalpres


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Each room is 21m² in size and opens onto a private terrace measuring 40m². The terrace offers a lovely view of the park and swimming pool, and is furnished with comfortable garden furniture, two sun loungers, and an awning for shade.

Inside the room, you will find two single beds, a table and chairs, ample storage space, and air conditioning for your comfort. The bathroom is equipped with a shower, two sinks, mirrors, and a hairdryer. Separate toilets are also provided.

Additionally, there is a cozy living room area with a sofa bed, a library filled with books, and a selection of board games for your entertainment.


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To reach our location from Lyon, you need to head south on A7 towards Marseille. After a while, take the exit at Chanas and continue on N7 in the direction of Valence. Keep following the road until you reach Saint-Vallier, then continue towards St Uze and Hauterives. Once you reach La Motte-de-Galaure, take the road that leads to Claveyson and proceed through the village towards Saint-Donat / Bren. At the first intersection, you will find us at impasse Montvalprés.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 90 455 30


Swimming Pool
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