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Stéphanie Pereira
10 Rue de La Grone
Argelès Sur Mer



5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65





Description for B&B:

All of our rooms are furnished with essential amenities such as a television, WiFi access, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, coffee maker, table, chair, private bathroom, and toilet. Additionally, our triple occupancy rooms feature a single bed and a balcony terrace, while our apartment designed for four people offers comfortable accommodation.

Description for Gite

The F2 apartment is situated on the second floor of our charming guest house. It features one cozy bedroom with a comfortable double bed, perfect for accommodating two individuals. Additionally, there is a spacious living room furnished with a sofa bed that can comfortably sleep two more people. The apartment also boasts a fully equipped kitchen where you can prepare delicious meals, a modern shower room, and a separate toilet. As a guest, you will have full access to our beautiful garden, terrace, and a delightful summer kitchen. Enjoy soaking up the sun while taking in the breathtaking views surrounding the property!


Appréciations pour La Grone, Argelès Sur Mer:

Tres bonne adresse
Review by: ARGANT, Aou 18 2018 1:12PM
Merci encore à Stéphanie de nous avoir à deux reprises si bien reçu. Nous avons appréciés les deux chambres, la piscine, le barbecue, mais surtout son sourire, sa gentillesse et ses délicates attentions. Nous reviendrons sûrement.
Une fabuleuse adresse
Review by: Nadia - Alain Chevalier-Berviller, Aou 28 2014 7:02PM
quel bonheur d'être accueillis par une personne aussi amicale et souriante que Stéphanie ; notre chambre était parfaite, décorée avec beaucoup de goût, une merveilleuse semaine ! pensons déjà aux vacances 2015, merci Stéphanie. Nadia et Alain
Review by: GALVAN, Nov 16 2013 4:57PM
Un grand merci à Stéphanie pour sa gentillesse et son sens de l'accueil. Nous ne manquerons pas de repasser quelques jours dans ce joli havre de paix si agréable.
une adresse à conseillée
Review by: Riviere, Aou 28 2013 9:06PM
après un long moment passée sur la route, fatiguée,avons éte acceuillis par une personne charmante, dynamique et très acceuillante, merci à Stéphanie pour ce très bon séjour . Appartement agréable avec une vue sur la montagne.Nous vous recommendons vraiment cette adresse. Sans oublier ce labrador magnifique qui acceuil également .Bonne continuation Stéphanie à une prochaine fois, cordialement les Orléanais
Un bon plan à Argelès
Review by: Henri Delorme, Mai 5 2013 9:31PM
Merci à Stéphanie pour son accueil chaleureux, ainsi que celui de Senza ! La maison est près du village d'Argelès dans un quartier résidentiel calme. De nombreux restos proches à tous les prix. A bientôt peut être avec un autre bouquet de muguet ! Henri et Corinne.
Response from property:
Il est facile d'accueillir des personnes aussi charmantes que vous, merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et ces jolis bruns de muguet ! Senza et moi serions ravies de vous revoir, à bientôt

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To reach your destination, follow these revised travel directions: Take exit No. 42 at Perpignan on the A9 motorway. Follow the signs for Argelès and take the exit for Argelès center ZAC No. 11. Head towards the city center and beach. When you reach a junction, turn right and then take the first left. Keep going on the street called "Rue des Grives" and take the first right onto "Rue de la Grone."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: breakfast included
Notes: breakfast included
Notes: breakfast included.


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Argelès-sur-Mer Beach: Located just a short distance from 10 Rue de La Grone, this beautiful sandy beach stretches along the Mediterranean Sea. It offers stunning views, crystal clear waters, and a range of water sports activities.
  • Château de Valmy: Situated on a hill overlooking Argelès-sur-Mer, this 19th-century castle is surrounded by lush gardens and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the castle grounds, enjoy a picnic, or attend various events and concerts held here.
  • Les Aigles de Valmy: This bird of prey park is located near Château de Valmy. Visitors can witness thrilling falconry demonstrations, observe various bird species up close, and learn about their natural habitats and behaviors.
  • Luna Park: Located in Argelès-sur-Mer, this amusement park offers a variety of rides, games, and attractions suitable for all ages. From thrilling roller coasters to classic carousels, Luna Park guarantees a fun-filled day for the whole family.
  • Collioure: Just a short drive south of Argelès-sur-Mer, Collioure is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and beautiful beaches. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy delicious seafood in one of the many waterfront restaurants.
  • Fort Saint-Elme: Situated in the town of Collioure, this historic fortress dates back to the 16th century. It offers stunning panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding countryside. Inside, visitors can explore the various rooms and exhibitions that showcase the region's history.
  • Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt: Located approximately 40 minutes away from Argelès-sur-Mer, this natural site features impressive rock formations shaped by erosion, resembling organ pipes. Visitors can take a leisurely walk through the unique landscape and marvel at the fascinating geological formations.
  • Perpignan: As the capital of the Pyrénées-Orientales department, Perpignan is a vibrant city with a rich history and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, and immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere of the city's markets and cafes.
  • Banyuls-sur-Mer: Situated just south of Collioure, this charming coastal village is known for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can enjoy wine tastings, stroll along the scenic waterfront promenade, and relax on the sandy beaches. 10. Saint-Cyprien: Located a short drive north of Argelès-sur-Mer, Saint-Cyprien is a popular seaside resort offering a wide range of activities. Visitors can enjoy water sports, explore the marina, visit the Aqualand water park, or simply relax on the sandy beach.

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