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Pascale Homo
15 Route De Dinan


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price from €78




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  • Château de Dinan: Located in the nearby town of Dinan, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its well-preserved ramparts and visit the museum inside to learn about the castle's history.
  • La Rance Tidal Power Station: Situated on the Rance River, this impressive power station harnesses the energy of the tides. Take a guided tour to discover how this innovative facility generates renewable energy and learn about its impact on the region.
  • Saint-Malo: A picturesque coastal town, Saint-Malo is renowned for its historic walled city. Walk along the ramparts, explore the narrow streets lined with shops and restaurants, and visit the Cathedral of Saint Vincent.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Just a short drive away, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic UNESCO World Heritage site. This medieval abbey sits atop a rocky island and is surrounded by a mesmerizing tidal landscape. Take a guided tour to fully appreciate its architectural beauty and rich history.
  • Cap Fréhel: Located on the Emerald Coast, Cap Fréhel is a stunning headland known for its dramatic cliffs and panoramic views. Take a walk along the coastal path, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
  • Fort La Latte: Situated near Cap Fréhel, this medieval fortress overlooks the sea and offers a glimpse into the region's military history. Marvel at its impressive architecture, explore the interior, and imagine life within its walls during different eras.
  • Combourg Castle: Found in the town of Combourg, this castle is famous for its association with French writer François-René de Chateaubriand. Discover the castle's elegant rooms, stroll through the picturesque gardens, and learn about Chateaubriand's literary legacy.
  • Cobac Parc: A family-friendly amusement park located in Lanhélin, Cobac Parc offers a variety of rides and attractions for all ages. Enjoy thrilling roller coasters, water slides, and other entertaining activities in a beautiful natural setting.
  • Dinard: Known for its Belle Époque architecture and beautiful beaches, Dinard is a charming seaside resort town. Take a leisurely stroll along the promenade, relax on the sandy beaches, and explore the town's vibrant markets and shops. 10. Labyrinthe du Corsaire: Located in Saint-Malo, this interactive pirate-themed maze is a fun adventure for both children and adults. Navigate the labyrinth, solve puzzles, and learn about the fascinating world of pirates.

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