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Bonne Terre
Route de Saint Veran


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €115






Description for B&B:

We offer a delightful bed and breakfast experience in the beautiful region of Provence, specifically located in the heart of the Luberon. Our charming establishment consists of four air-conditioned rooms, each equipped with a shower, WC, and TV. Situated near the village of Lacoste, our property, known as Le Domaine de Bonne Terre, boasts exceptional views and a serene environment. Guests can enjoy a refreshing swim in our large pool, which is open from June 1st until September 15th. Please note that a tourist tax of 0.80 per night per adult applies.

Description for Gite

Experience the charm of our 4 air-conditioned Bed & Breakfast accommodations, each featuring a private shower, WC, and TV. Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Luberon in Provence, our property at Le Domaine de Bonne Terre offers exceptional views and a serene environment. Guests can indulge in the refreshing waters of our large overflow pool, open from June 1st to September 15th. Please note that a tourist tax of 0.80 per night per adult applies.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Bonne Terre, Lacoste:

un séjour au paradis
Review by: Mme Herbst, Fev 2 2020 11:58AM
Passer quelques jours à Bonne Terre c'est comme un petit voyage au paradis. On est tenté de passer le temps sous les oliviers, au bord de la piscine ou sur la terrasse. Les journées commencent bien avec un bon petit-déjeuner au jardin avec une vue extraordinaire! Pourtant il y a beaucoup à découvrir aux alentours. On veut bien revenir vous voir, M. Lamy!
joli week end
Review by: allaix, Mai 29 2017 3:01PM
joli maison d hôte pour amoureux du calme,de simplicité ,de livres et de "venise"!!!

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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 130 Euro in high seaseon (15th of june until 15th septembre, Easter, Ascension, Whitsun)


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Lacoste: Located in the village of Lacoste, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the Luberon Valley. It was once owned by the infamous Marquis de Sade and is now a cultural center that hosts art exhibitions and performances.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque: Situated in the picturesque Provence countryside, this 12th-century Cistercian abbey is famous for its lavender fields. Visitors can explore the beautiful Romanesque architecture and enjoy the serene atmosphere.
  • Village des Bories: Just a short drive from Lacoste, this unique open-air museum showcases traditional dry-stone huts known as "bories." Visitors can wander through the reconstructed village and learn about the ancient rural life of Provence.
  • Colorado Provencal: Located near the town of Rustrel, this natural wonder resembles the famous American Grand Canyon but in a smaller scale. The vibrant red and ochre cliffs, shaped by erosion, create a breathtaking landscape perfect for hiking and photography.
  • Pont Julien: A short distance from Lacoste, this Roman bridge dates back to 3rd century BC and was part of the Via Domitia, an ancient Roman road. It is remarkably well-preserved and offers a glimpse into the engineering skills of the time.
  • Village of Gordes: Considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, Gordes is perched on the edge of a cliff, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The village is known for its narrow cobblestone streets, charming houses, and the 16th-century Château de Gordes.
  • Ochre Trail (Sentier des Ocres): Located in the village of Roussillon, this trail takes visitors through vibrant ochre-colored cliffs and rock formations. The unique landscape, formed by ochre mining in the past, provides a surreal experience and great photo opportunities.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Nestled at the base of a dramatic cliff, this village is famous for its powerful natural spring that forms the Sorgue River. Visitors can explore the spring's source, hike along the river, and enjoy the charming streets dotted with shops and restaurants.
  • L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Known as the "Venice of Provence," this town is crisscrossed by canals and is famous for its antique shops and lively Sunday market. Visitors can stroll along the waterways, admire the historic waterwheels, and hunt for unique treasures. 10. Carrières de Lumières: Located in the nearby town of Les Baux-de-Provence, this immersive art exhibition takes place in an abandoned limestone quarry. Spectacular light and sound shows project famous masterpieces onto the quarry's walls, creating a mesmerizing visual experience.

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