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Contact Details:


JC Boete
15 Rue de Kerellec


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Price per week:

price from €350






Description for Gite

Experience the allure of Trébeurden, where sandy beaches, enchanting islands and islets, as well as secluded coves, await your exploration. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the rocky overhangs and follow the scented trails that lead you to a haven of tranquility. Discover the mesmerizing wild beauty that transforms with each passing season. Allow yourself to be captivated by the irresistible charm of Trébeurden as you drop anchor and let its magic work its wonders on you.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 350€ 1000€


Animals Allowed


  • Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast) - Located just steps away from 15 Rue de Kerellec, the Pink Granite Coast is a stunning natural wonder. It features unique rock formations made of pink granite, offering breathtaking views and scenic coastal walks.
  • Plage de Trestraou (Trestraou Beach) - Situated about 1.5 kilometers from the given address, Trestraou Beach is a popular sandy beach with crystal clear waters. It offers various water activities, such as swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports.
  • Phare de Ploumanac'h (Ploumanac'h Lighthouse) - Found approximately 4 kilometers from the address, this charming lighthouse overlooks the Pink Granite Coast. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views from the top and explore the surrounding coastal paths.
  • Plage de Tresmeur (Tresmeur Beach) - Located around 2.5 kilometers away, Tresmeur Beach is another beautiful sandy beach in the area. It offers a more tranquil atmosphere and is ideal for relaxation and coastal walks.
  • Village Gaulois (Gaulish Village) - Situated about 1 kilometer from the given address, this unique attraction is a reconstruction of an ancient Gaulish village. Visitors can explore the thatched huts, learn about Gaulish culture, and enjoy various interactive activities.
  • Ile Milliau (Milliau Island) - Located off the coast of Trebeurden, this small island is accessible during low tide via a sandbar. It is home to a variety of bird species and provides a picturesque setting for nature lovers and birdwatchers.
  • Château de Tonquédec (Tonquédec Castle) - Situated approximately 15 kilometers from the address, this medieval castle dates back to the 15th century. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk along the castle walls, and immerse themselves in its rich history.
  • Le Radôme - Musée de la Communication (Le Radôme - Communication Museum) - Found about 25 kilometers away, this museum is housed within a large radar dome. It showcases the evolution of telecommunications technology and offers interactive exhibits, making it an interesting visit for tech enthusiasts.
  • Sentier des Douaniers (Customs Officer's Path) - Running along the coast, this scenic trail offers stunning views of the sea and rugged cliffs. It is perfect for leisurely walks or hikes, providing an opportunity to admire the natural beauty of the area. 10. Village de Plougrescant (Plougrescant Village) - Situated approximately 15 kilometers from the given address, this picturesque village is known for its charming traditional houses and stunning coastal landscapes. It is a great place to stroll around, explore local shops, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.

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