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Evelyne Le Méro
17 Jardin Lomelec


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €62






Description for B&B:

We offer four cozy guest rooms, all equipped with a comfortable double bed. Each room boasts a well-appointed bathroom featuring two sinks and toilets. Feel free to browse through our captivating slideshow, as pictures often convey more than words. We hope you have an enjoyable stay with us. Please note that pets are not permitted.


Appréciations pour Chambres d'hôtes d'Evelyne, Pluneret:

Séjour de 10 jours
Review by: Maligue clausse , Juil 14 2023 1:51PM
Les chambres sont très bien, tout est bien propre. Klecalme pour dormir que demander de plus, une tv dans la chambre serait un plus. Hôtesse charmante rien à redire. Je conseille fortement
Review by: Mr et Mme RICHARD, Nov 3 2019 11:08PM
Nous avons été enchanté par cette excellent accueil, chambre très au calme et belle, très bon petit déjeuner avec de très bons produits fait maison
week end 20/21 fevrier
Review by: douez cyril, Fev 23 2010 8:45PM
Nous avons étés enchanté par notre séjour même si celui-ci fut court
Me Le Mero une hôte charmante, souriante et trés agréable
merci pour cette agréable week end dans votre maison chaleureusement décoré

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Our location is a convenient 5-minute drive from Auray and Vannes, and only 10 minutes away from the beautiful beaches.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Discount for 3 nights




  • Auray (3.5 km away): A charming town located near the Gulf of Morbihan, Auray is known for its picturesque harbor, cobblestone streets, and half-timbered houses. Visitors can explore the Saint-Goustan district, visit the Saint-Sauveur Church, or take a boat trip to the nearby islands.
  • Sainte-Anne d'Auray Basilica (4.5 km away): A significant pilgrimage site in Brittany, the Basilica of Sainte-Anne d'Auray attracts thousands of visitors each year. The basilica is dedicated to Saint Anne, the patron saint of Brittany, and features impressive architecture and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Carnac (11 km away): Famous for its prehistoric standing stones, Carnac is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. The Carnac Stones are a collection of ancient megaliths and are considered one of the most extensive Neolithic alignments in the world. Visitors can also enjoy the nearby sandy beaches and explore the charming town center.
  • Vannes (16 km away): The historic town of Vannes is known for its well-preserved medieval city walls and a picturesque old town. Wander through the narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the stunning Vannes Cathedral, or explore the Château de l'Hermine, a former residence of the Dukes of Brittany.
  • Gulf of Morbihan Natural Regional Park (18 km away): A haven for nature lovers, the Gulf of Morbihan Natural Regional Park offers stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and numerous outdoor activities. Visitors can take boat tours to discover the archipelago, go hiking or cycling along the trails, or simply relax on the beaches.
  • Quiberon Peninsula (35 km away): Located on the southern coast of Brittany, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular seaside resort area. It offers beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs, and a lively town center. Visitors can indulge in water sports, take a boat trip to the nearby Belle-Île-en-Mer, or explore the historic sites such as the Quiberon Citadel.
  • Belle-Île-en-Mer (36 km away): Known as the "Beautiful Island in the Sea," Belle-Île-en-Mer is the largest of Brittany's islands. It boasts stunning coastal landscapes, charming villages, and scenic hiking trails. Visitors can relax on its sandy beaches, visit the impressive Vauban Citadel, or explore the picturesque village of Sauzon.
  • La Trinité-sur-Mer (37 km away): A popular sailing destination, La Trinité-sur-Mer attracts sailing enthusiasts from around the world. The town has a vibrant marina, and visitors can watch the boats and enjoy the lively atmosphere. The nearby coastal paths offer breathtaking views of the ocean and the Quiberon Bay. These attractions near 17 Jardin Lomelec, Pluneret, 56400, France, offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to the region.

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