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Sylvain Lepan
11, Chemin des Garrigues


6 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80





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Description for B&B:

All of our rooms are equipped with Freeview TV and internet access. We provide a fully equipped communal kitchen, barbecue grills, and various tables scattered throughout the garden for on-site dining if desired. Local bakeries, butchers, and grocery stores in Ortaffa are happy to provide food options. The Café/Bar/Tavern/Pizza place called "With Filo" is also available to welcome you for a quality meal at a reasonable price. Our beautiful region offers a diverse range of cultural and sporting activities, including visits to museums, vineyards, castles, wildlife parks, and historic sites. Outdoor activities such as hiking, horseback riding, fishing, golf, bowling, karting, and tree-climbing are also available. Additionally, guests can enjoy swimming in lakes, rivers, and the Mediterranean Sea.

Ortaffa is conveniently located between the mountains and the sea, near Lake Villeneuve de la Raho and the charming town of Elne. It is less than 15 minutes away from the beaches of Argeles-sur-Mer, Saint-Cyprien, and Banyuls-sur-Mer. The popular tourist cities of Perpignan and Collioure are also just 15 minutes away. The Bulu is only 10 minutes away, and it takes 20 minutes to reach the Spanish border. For those interested in skiing, the ski slopes of Font Romeu are only 1 hour away.

We provide transportation from the Perpignan train station or airport. A rich and varied breakfast is also available. Book a peaceful stay in a green setting and let us take care of you like family. For more information, please visit our website. Feel free to contact us, and we will gladly provide you with further details. We look forward to welcoming you to Mas des Genêts d'Or.

Laurence and Sylvain LEPAN

Description for Gite

We are delighted to present our charming independent cottage which spans across 33m2. It is thoughtfully furnished and can comfortably accommodate up to 4 people. The cottage boasts a delightful terrace, a beautiful garden, and a convenient barbecue area. In the months of July and August, it is available for rent at a rate of 660 per week, from Saturday to Saturday. For the remaining months of the year, it can be rented at a rate of 490 per week.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer our cozy trailer, perfect for accommodating up to 4 people. This delightful accommodation is available for rent at a rate of 690 per week during the months of July and August, again from Saturday to Saturday. For the rest of the year, the trailer can be rented at a rate of 540 per week.


Appréciations pour Le Mas des Genets D'or, Ortaffa:

Très accueillant
Review by: Laissoub , Juil 26 2021 10:17PM
Super endroit, couple très accueillant. Nous cherchions un endroit pour nous reposer avec mon mari après 8h de route et la gérante nous a accueillis tellement bien vraiment très très gentille ainsi que son mari. Nous reviendrons sur passer des vacances des plus reposante chez Laurence et Sylvain! Endroit cosy et chaleureux que je recommande fortement
Très bon séjour
Review by: Papineau, Aou 17 2019 9:19AM
C'est notre 2eme séjour chez Laurence et Sylvain qui sont des propriétaires très accueillant, chaleureux et conviviaux, à la fois discrets et sympathiques ! Le gîte est très bien situé, entre Perpignan, Canet et Argelès, au calme, dans un grand parc arboré et bien entretenu, avec piscine agréable, cuisine d'été propre et bien équipée et des chambres très propres, de bonnes dimensions, confortables et bien équipées.
Y aller sans hésiter, les yeux fermés !
Chambre d hôte
Review by: CHABORY caroline , Aou 20 2017 10:36PM
Très bien accueilli, propriétaires adorables, à l'écoute. Les photos reflètent bien le site. Calme et agréable. Chambre très propre et petites attentions dans la salle de bain et peluches sur les lits des enfants. Petit déjeuner bien garni. N'hésitez pas allez-y les yeux fermés.
Response from property:
Bonjour, merci pour ce gentil avis, cela nous touche beaucoup. Bonne continuation et au plaisir de vous accueillir de nouveau. Laurence et Sylvain
Conquis, nous recommandons fortement!
Review by: Sophie et Mickaël, Aou 6 2015 12:54PM
Ravis! Tant par l'hospitalité et la disponibilité de Laurence et Sylvain, que par les diverses prestations ( copieux petit déjeuner partagé avec tous les hôtes, une piscine tout confort et une piscine à jets, cuisine d'extérieur toute équipée, réfrigérateurs attitrés, barbecues à disposition), le superbe domaine (avec terrain de tennis, de pétanque, végétation luxuriante fleurant bon le sud - palmiers, agaves, aloes vera etc etc), que par la localisation idéale de cette chambre d'hôte/gîte : entre mer et montagne, proche de l'Espagne, musée cubiste à Céret et musée Dali à Figueras, ou pour les plus sportifs, ascension du Pic du Canigou, escalade, rando.

Dépaysement garanti, avec en prime les chants des grillons et des cigales qui s'en donnent à coeur joie. Nombreux sont ceux qui y reviennent chaque année. Nous y sommes allés 2 fois, en couple puis avec enfant, et nous y retournerons avec joie.

On peut décider de rester au calme, en couple, entre amis ou en famille, ou choisir de se lier d'amitié et de passer des moments conviviaux et chaleureux.

En conclusion: les hôtes y mettent tout leur coeur et leurs connaissances précieuses de la région, afin que chaque vacancier passe un excellent séjour. Je recommande vivement!!!

Encore merci pour votre bonne humeur et votre gentillesse,
Excellente continuation et au plaisir,
Sophie, Mickaël et Thibault.
Séjour au Mas des Genets d'Or
Review by: Chenot, Mai 20 2013 5:04PM
Très bon séjour au Mas des Genets d'Or. Beau domaine au calme avec de belles prestations : tennis en bon état, terrain de pétanque éclairé, piscine, billard... Propriétaires attentifs et sympathiques. Tout est bien pensé avec barbecues, cuisine extérieure complète. Bon rapport qualité/prix. Incontournable !!!
Aline et Alain de
séjour des landais à l'ascension
Review by: stéph,matt et cécile, Mai 27 2012 10:00AM
superbe Mas ,très calme ,Laurence est une hôte d'une gentillesse rare de nos jours. les chambres sont spacieuses calmes et remplies de gaietés.le terrain de tennis,ping pong,piscine..... est une chance extraordinaire sur le Mas,on pose la voiture et on ne bouge plus.Nous avons passés un agréable séjour pendant l'ascension ou nous avons rencontrés des Roannais super gentils (coucou Ghislaine,Gilles et Matt) A refaire +++++++ les landais

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To reach Mas des Genêts dOr in ORTAFFA, follow these travel directions:

If you are coming from home, head towards the Perpignan station or airport.

If you are traveling by car, take the A9 highway and exit at 42, which is the South Perpignan exit.

If you prefer to travel by train, you can catch a TGV or TER train to Perpignan and then transfer to Elne. For more information, visit

If you are flying, the Perpignan/Rivesaltes airport is just 30 minutes away from Mas des Genêts dOr. It is served by four airlines.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 80 85 525 560 17 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 97 107 588 658 17 OUI
Holiday Home 2 85 95 540 690 NON


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Perpignan (9.2 km): Perpignan is a charming city known for its historic buildings, including the Palace of the Kings of Majorca. Explore the vibrant streets, visit the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, and enjoy the local cuisine in one of the many restaurants.
  • Collioure (15.5 km): This picturesque coastal town is famous for its charming harbor, colorful buildings, and stunning beaches. Wander through the narrow streets, visit the Royal Castle, and indulge in delicious seafood at one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Le Castillet (9.7 km): Located in the heart of Perpignan, Le Castillet is a historic fortress that now serves as a museum. Discover the fascinating history of the region, explore the exhibitions, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the top.
  • Argelès-sur-Mer (14.8 km): Known for its beautiful sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, Argelès-sur-Mer is a popular tourist destination. Relax on the beach, try various water sports, or explore the charming old town with its narrow streets and traditional houses.
  • Banyuls-sur-Mer (29.8 km): Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Banyuls-sur-Mer is famous for its vineyards and sweet wines. Visit the Cellar of the Templars, enjoy the scenic coastal views, and take a stroll along the charming waterfront promenade.
  • Céret (29.4 km): Céret is a small town renowned for its vibrant art scene and picturesque beauty. Explore the Musée d'Art Moderne, which houses works by Picasso, Chagall, and other renowned artists. Don't miss the Saturday morning market, where you can find local produce and traditional crafts.
  • Fort de Salses (26.5 km): This impressive fortress is a prime example of military architecture from the 16th century. Discover its history, explore the various rooms and passages, and enjoy the panoramic views from the top.
  • Saint-Cyprien (14.9 km): Saint-Cyprien is a lovely coastal resort known for its long sandy beaches and vibrant marina. Relax on the beach, try water activities such as sailing or windsurfing, or explore the bustling local market.
  • Saint-Martin-du-Canigou Abbey (48.7 km): Located in a stunning natural setting, this medieval abbey is a hidden gem. Take a guided tour of the abbey to learn about its history and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere surrounded by mountains. 10. Elne Cathedral (21.5 km): Elne Cathedral is a beautiful Romanesque-Gothic cathedral with stunning architecture and intricate sculptures. Visit the cathedral to admire its impressive interior and learn about its rich history. Note: Distances are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location within Ortaffa.

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