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Rue du Sabotier
Juzet de Luchon


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €532






Description for B&B:

The house features five spacious rooms that have been beautifully renovated using traditional materials, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. With its capacity to accommodate up to 15 individuals, each room is equipped with its own private bathroom and lavatory for added convenience.


Appréciations pour Poujastou, Juzet de Luchon:

A wonderful place to stay
Review by: Peter Holst, Sep 27 2022 6:28PM
A group of 4 of us stayed at Elodie's lovely Chambre d'hôtes in September'22 for 6 days and enjoyed the hospitality, the friendliness, the rooms, the views, the amenities, the ambience, the facilities and most of all Elodie herself.

Elodie went out of her way to make our stay a very enjoyable. Breakfasts were extremely good. The dinner we had one night was excellent. She helped us with any touristy problems we had. She did our washing for us without hesitation. She ensured our travel to and from the public transport system was catered for.

We highly recommend Le Poujastou for a Luchon stay and this would certainly be backed up by other travellers we met there who were coming back for 2nd to 10th time.

Elodie is certainly doing something right?

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It takes approximately 90 minutes to drive from Toulouse airport to le Poujastou. Alternatively, you can also reach Luchon by train.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 532 532 302.1 302.1 22 oui
(3 pers.)
2 69 69 393.3 393.3 22 oui




  • Luchon-Superbagnères: Located in the heart of the Pyrenees, Luchon-Superbagnères is a popular ski resort offering stunning mountain views and a range of winter activities including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.
  • Lac de Badech: This picturesque lake is nestled amidst the beautiful Pyrenean landscape and provides a tranquil setting for picnicking, fishing, and hiking. It is an ideal spot for nature lovers and those seeking relaxation.
  • Luchon Thermal Baths: Known for their healing properties, the Luchon Thermal Baths offer a range of wellness treatments including hydrotherapy, massage, and thermal pools. Visitors can unwind and rejuvenate in this soothing environment.
  • Col de Peyresourde: A famous mountain pass in the Pyrenees, Col de Peyresourde is a paradise for cyclists and motorbike enthusiasts. It offers breathtaking views and challenging routes, making it an exciting destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Parc Animalier de Val d'Aran: Located just across the border in Spain, this wildlife park showcases various species of animals including bears, wolves, and lynx. Visitors can observe them in their natural habitat and learn about conservation efforts.
  • Artigue-Artigues: This picturesque village is known for its charming traditional Pyrenean architecture and tranquil surroundings. With scenic hiking trails and beautiful views of the mountains, it is a great place for nature walks and relaxation.
  • Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: A medieval village with a rich historical heritage, Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges is home to the impressive Saint-Bertrand Cathedral and ancient Roman ruins. Visitors can explore its narrow streets and admire the architectural beauty.
  • Caves of Gargas: Located near Aventignan, these prehistoric caves are famous for their impressive collection of handprints and animal engravings dating back over 27,000 years. Guided tours offer insight into the region's ancient history.
  • Luchon Golf Club: Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf amidst breathtaking scenery at the Luchon Golf Club. This 9-hole course offers a challenging game while providing stunning views of the surrounding mountains. 10. Parc de la Mairie: Situated in the heart of Luchon, Parc de la Mairie is a peaceful park with beautiful gardens, fountains, and a playground. It is an ideal spot to relax, have a picnic, or take a leisurely stroll.

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