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Evelyne Dubernard
1 Route de la Vallée d'Aure



5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Located in the enchanting Valley of Aure, lies a charming mountain village renowned for its collection of 18 fountains, each flowing with pristine water. Nestled amidst this picturesque setting, "The Rock Rose" provides serene accommodations boasting breathtaking mountain vistas. Guests can indulge in delightful regional delicacies and traditional cuisine in the warm ambiance of a grand fireplace, either at a communal table or in the tranquility of their own private rooms.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Les Hélianthèmes, Guchen:

sejour septembre 2021
Review by: GAUGEZ A&JP, Oct 14 2021 9:15AM
des vacances des vraies !
un accueil chaleureux , des hôtes d'une gentillesse, après avoir fait leur connaissance ils ont partis de notre famille de coeur, nous attendons septembre 2022 pour retrouver tout ce bien être , sans oublier l'excellente table, à qui donner les étoiles? les deux cuisines, Alain nous gâte avec ses pâtisseries hors du commun.
Une adresse ou vous ne serez pas déçus, et tant je choses à découvrir ...quelle belle nature que sont les PYRENNES!!!!
encore merci à vous.
Expérience à ne pas manquer
Review by: MAJOU, Aou 31 2020 1:32PM
Accueil très chaleureux.Cuisine excellente d'Evelyne,délicieuses pâtisseries d'Alain soi- disant "faciles", "simples" mais pour nous merveilleusement sophistiquées. Nous nous souviendrons des instants partagés, des discussions enflammées et des rires énormes de tous les convives.Il faut dire qu'Alain est un sacré conteur ! Une belle convivialité pleine de bienveillance, de générosité et d'humour. Marie-Jo, et Patrick.
Un séjour inoubliable
Review by: Lise, Juil 15 2012 7:50PM
L'accueil est chaleureux, les chambres très spacieuses et confortables, les repas vraiment savoureux (une mention particulière pour les confitures d'Evelyne et les pâtisseries d'Alain).
Un petit havre de calme pour se ressourcer!
A ne pas manquer si vous passez dans la région!
Review by: SOULIE, Dec 7 2010 10:31PM
MERCI pour c'est accueil.
Les chambres sont très bien, les hôtes formidables et les petits déjeuner très riches en produits délicieux.
accueil-chambre -repas
Review by: Nathalie IRBAH, Aou 17 2010 6:55PM
Satisfaction totale.
Tout est très bien et il y a le petit plus qui ne s'explique pas, qui fait que l' accueil est unique et que l'on ne peut que revenir. Et encore, je ne parle pas des gâteaux! à voir et à gouter absolument!

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To get to "The Rock Rose" in Guchen, follow these directions:
1. Take exit 16 of the A64 motorway, labeled "Lannemezan."
2. Head towards St Lary Soulan.
3. As you reach the entrance of Guchen, you'll find "The Rock Rose" on your left.
4. Look for signs indicating the location.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: P. Breakfast included
Notes: P. Breakfast included


Animals Allowed


  • Parc National des Pyrénées: Located near Guchen, the Parc National des Pyrénées is a stunning natural attraction offering breathtaking landscapes, including majestic mountains, lush valleys, and serene lakes. It is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, providing opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, wildlife spotting, and scenic drives.
  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Situated in the heart of the Pyrenees, Cirque de Gavarnie is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its awe-inspiring natural amphitheater. The cirque features a towering waterfall, snow-capped peaks, and dramatic cliffs, making it a popular destination for hiking and photography.
  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre: A prominent mountain in the French Pyrenees, Pic du Midi de Bigorre offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can reach the summit via a cable car and enjoy stunning vistas, explore the observatory, and even stay overnight in an astronomical observatory to observe the starry sky.
  • Lourdes: Located just a short distance from Guchen, Lourdes is a renowned pilgrimage site and attracts millions of visitors each year. The city is famous for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where it is believed that the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl in 1858. Pilgrims come to seek spiritual solace and visit the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and the Grotto of Massabielle.
  • Pont d'Espagne: Situated in the Pyrenees National Park, Pont d'Espagne is a picturesque area known for its stunning waterfalls, pristine lakes, and lush forests. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks, hike to viewpoints, and even spot native wildlife such as marmots and chamois.
  • Saint-Lary-Soulan: A charming mountain village located in the Aure Valley, Saint-Lary-Soulan is a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. It offers ski slopes for all levels, as well as cozy accommodations, traditional restaurants, and a vibrant après-ski scene.
  • Col du Tourmalet: Considered one of the most iconic mountain passes in the Tour de France, Col du Tourmalet is a must-visit for cycling enthusiasts. This challenging route offers breathtaking views of the Pyrenees and is often included in professional cycling races.
  • Grottes de Médous: Just a short drive from Guchen, the Grottes de Médous is a network of stunning caves filled with impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, offering a glimpse into this hidden natural wonder.
  • Château de Mauvezin: Located in the nearby town of Mauvezin, the Château de Mauvezin is a medieval fortress with a rich history. Visitors can explore the castle's ancient walls, towers, and dungeons, and learn about its role in the region's past. 10. Col d'Aspin: Another famous mountain pass in the Pyrenees, Col d'Aspin offers breathtaking views and is a popular destination for cycling and motorcycling enthusiasts. It is surrounded by beautiful landscapes and provides access to scenic hiking trails.