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Clara Sevely


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price from €410




Description for Gite

Spacious cottage designed to comfortably accommodate 5-7 individuals.


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To reach Montreal from Carcassonne, follow the road leading out of the village towards Belvèze du Razès. Once in Belvèze du Razès, continue your journey on the road towards Alaigne. When you come across an electrical transformer, proceed with caution and drive carefully until you reach the end of the road.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 15 15 410 410 Non


Animals Allowed


  • Carcassonne: Located just 18 kilometers southeast of Thuronis, Carcassonne is a fortified medieval town renowned for its well-preserved city walls and impressive castle complex. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Basilica of St. Nazaire, and admire the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Canal du Midi: The Canal du Midi, a UNESCO World Heritage site, passes through the nearby town of Carcassonne. This historic waterway offers scenic boat trips, cycling paths, and peaceful walks along its picturesque banks, showcasing the beautiful French countryside.
  • Limoux: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northwest of Thuronis, Limoux is a charming town known for its sparkling wine, "Blanquette de Limoux." Take a stroll through the town's narrow streets, visit the medieval square, and enjoy the local gastronomy in one of the many restaurants and cafes.
  • Rennes-le-Château: A short drive of about 30 kilometers southwest of Thuronis will take you to Rennes-le-Château, a small hilltop village famous for its mysterious connections to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar. Explore the village's historic church, Saint Mary Magdalene, and learn about the intriguing legends surrounding this place.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire: Located around 20 kilometers northwest of Thuronis, the Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire is a Benedictine monastery dating back to the 8th century. Discover its beautiful Romanesque architecture, visit the medieval cloister, and learn about the abbey's rich history.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Situated just outside Carcassonne, Lac de la Cavayère is a stunning man-made lake surrounded by lush forests. It offers various recreational activities, including swimming, hiking, paddleboarding, and picnicking. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and take advantage of the excellent facilities available.
  • Château de Puivert: About 40 kilometers southwest of Thuronis lies the Château de Puivert, a well-preserved medieval castle overlooking the village of Puivert. Explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and museum, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 65 kilometers southeast of Thuronis, Narbonne is a historic city with a rich Roman heritage. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, explore the Roman Horreum, and stroll along the Canal de la Robine, lined with charming cafes and shops. These attractions offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of the region surrounding Thuronis, France.

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