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Le Govic


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price from €350






Description for B&B:

This house can comfortably accommodate 6 to 8 people. It features a well-equipped kitchen, a spacious living room with a television, and a family room with two double beds. Additionally, there are two bedrooms with double beds, and the possibility of an extra bedroom. The house offers two bathrooms and two toilets for convenience. Outside, there is a terrace with garden furniture, a lovely garden, and parking space. Payments via checks are accepted.

Description for Gite

We have two charming cottages available on the ground floor. The first cottage comfortably accommodates 2 to 3 people, offering 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with a toilet, a fully equipped kitchen, and a cozy TV lounge. The second cottage can sleep 3 to 4 people, featuring 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with toilets, and a well-appointed kitchen. Both cottages are equipped with collective amenities, including a delightful garden, a terrace for relaxation, and convenient parking facilities. Additionally, we gladly accept holiday checks for your convenience.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: furnished kitchen
Notes: furnished kitchen


Animals Allowed


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