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Gilberte Santacatalina
10 Rue de Toulon


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price from €350






Description for Gite

Welcome to our resort in the Gulf of Lion, nestled in the vibrant urban area of Narbonne, between the stunning La Clape mountains and the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. Discover the charm of the old village, nestled between picturesque ponds, with narrow streets meandering around a majestic limestone block that holds the remnants of an ancient castle, the legendary tower Barbarossa. This unique village is designed in a circular layout, offering a truly enchanting atmosphere.

Within our municipality, you will find the prestigious AOC Corbières appellation, known for its exceptional wine quality. With our deep-rooted winemaking heritage spanning four generations, Gilberte, a passionate winemaker herself, warmly welcomes you to our newly renovated cottage located in the heart of the historic Gruissan village. Just 2 km away from the magnificent beaches, this charming house is conveniently situated near the tranquil pond, the village itself, and the captivating tower Barbarossa.


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Situated at a distance of 15km from Narbonne and just 2km away from the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.



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Holiday Home 1 350 600




  • Gruissan Beach: Located just a short distance from your address, Gruissan Beach is a stunning sandy beach that stretches along the Mediterranean Sea. It offers crystal-clear waters, golden sands, and is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports.
  • Gruissan Village: Situated on a hill overlooking the coast, Gruissan Village is a charming medieval village with narrow streets, picturesque houses, and a 13th-century castle. Explore the village's historical heritage, visit local shops and cafes, and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surroundings.
  • Les Salins de Gruissan: This nature reserve is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. It comprises salt pans, lagoons, and marshes, providing a habitat for a wide variety of bird species. Take a walk along the marked trails, observe the colorful flamingos, and learn about the salt production process.
  • Tour Barberousse: Located in Gruissan Port, Tour Barberousse is a unique circular tower that dates back to the 12th century. Originally built as a defense tower, it now serves as a museum showcasing the history of Gruissan and its maritime traditions. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the harbor.
  • Narbonne: Just a short drive from Gruissan, Narbonne is a historic city known for its Roman heritage. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, explore the Roman Horreum underground galleries, and stroll through the vibrant Les Halles market, where you can sample local produce and delicacies.
  • Sigean African Reserve: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Gruissan, the Sigean African Reserve is a wildlife park home to over 3,800 animals from Africa. Take a safari-like drive through the reserve and spot lions, giraffes, rhinos, and more. The park also offers walking trails and educational exhibits.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Situated near Narbonne, Abbaye de Fontfroide is a beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. Explore the magnificent Gothic architecture, wander through the serene cloisters and gardens, and learn about the abbey's fascinating history.
  • Leucate: Positioned on the coast, Leucate is a charming seaside town known for its sandy beaches and water sports opportunities. Enjoy kiteboarding, windsurfing, or simply relax on the beach. Leucate also has a historic old town worth exploring, with narrow streets and a castle.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Canal du Midi is a remarkable feat of engineering. Stretching from Toulouse to the Mediterranean, it offers scenic views, tranquil waters, and charming canal-side villages. Take a boat trip, rent a bike, or enjoy a leisurely walk along the towpaths. 10. Carcassonne: Located around 60 kilometers from Gruissan, Carcassonne is a fortified city renowned for its medieval citadel, La Cité. Explore the ancient ramparts, visit the Château Comtal, and wander through the cobblestone streets filled with shops, restaurants, and historical landmarks.

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