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Mas de la Beaume


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Price per night:

price from €793




Description for B&B:

Located just outside the village, this historic Mas is a delightful retreat boasting enchanting rooms and suites. Guests are treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, while the lush garden adorned with olive trees, almond blossoms, and fragrant lavender offers a serene atmosphere. The magnificent terraces provide the perfect spot to relax and take in the beauty of the surroundings. Additionally, a refreshing pool and convenient parking are available for guests' convenience. Indulge in a delectable "Gourmand" breakfast and revel in the tranquility that this charming Mas exudes.


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To reach your destination, take Highway A7 and choose the exit for either "Avignon Sud" or "Cavaillon." From there, follow the signs pointing towards "Apt." Once you arrive in Coustellet, continue following the signs directing you to "Gordes."



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 793 793 35 oui


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Village des Bories: Located in Gordes, the Village des Bories is an open-air museum that showcases traditional stone huts known as "bories." Visitors can explore these ancient structures and learn about the rural life in Provence.
  • Senanque Abbey: Situated just a few kilometers from Gordes, Senanque Abbey is a stunning Cistercian monastery surrounded by lavender fields. The abbey's beautiful Romanesque architecture and peaceful atmosphere make it a popular attraction for tourists and photographers.
  • The Ochre Trail: Near the village of Roussillon, the Ochre Trail offers a unique hiking experience through vibrant red and yellow cliffs. The trail provides breathtaking views of the colorful landscapes and allows visitors to learn about the history of ochre mining in the region.
  • The Sénanque Lavender Fields: Located close to Gordes, the Sénanque Lavender Fields offer a picturesque sight of endless rows of lavender in full bloom. Visitors can immerse themselves in the fragrant surroundings and capture stunning photographs of this iconic Provencal landscape.
  • The Village of Goult: Nestled between Gordes and Roussillon, the village of Goult is a charming and lesser-known destination. With its narrow streets, medieval architecture, and authentic atmosphere, Goult provides a peaceful retreat for visitors seeking a more tranquil experience.
  • The Village of Bonnieux: Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Luberon Valley, Bonnieux is a picturesque village with stunning panoramic views. Visitors can explore its historic buildings, such as the ancient church and the 12th-century "Vieille Eglise," while enjoying the charm of its narrow streets.
  • Fort de Buoux: Located near the Luberon Mountains, Fort de Buoux is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ruins, which offer panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • The Village of Menerbes: Known for its artistic heritage and beautiful landscapes, Menerbes is a delightful village that has attracted many artists over the years. Visitors can stroll through its cobbled streets, admire the art galleries, and enjoy the panoramic views from the village's hilltop location.
  • The Museum of the Resistance and Deportation: Situated in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, this museum commemorates the French Resistance and the victims of World War II. It offers a comprehensive exhibition on the history of the resistance movement and the deported individuals, providing valuable insights into this significant period. 10. The Village of Lacoste: Famous for its association with the Marquis de Sade, Lacoste is a captivating village with a rich history. Visitors can explore the ruins of the marquis' castle, wander through its narrow streets lined with stone houses, and enjoy the stunning views of the Luberon Valley.

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