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Gilbert Le Coz
Le Letty


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Two cottages in Guilvinec - Tréffiagat are available for rent, conveniently situated just a five-minute drive from beautiful beaches and ports. Each room in the cottages is equipped with its own bathroom and toilet facilities. Additionally, breakfast is included for up to 50 guests.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 300 oui




  • Pointe de la Torche: Located just a few kilometers from Le Letty, Pointe de la Torche is a stunning natural site known for its beautiful sandy beach and impressive waves. It is a popular spot for surfing, windsurfing, and kiteboarding, attracting both locals and tourists.
  • Eckmühl Lighthouse: Situated in Penmarc'h, a nearby town, the Eckmühl Lighthouse is a must-visit attraction. This historical lighthouse offers panoramic views of the coast and the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can climb to the top and learn about its fascinating maritime history.
  • Quimper: A charming city located around 25 kilometers from Le Letty, Quimper is renowned for its well-preserved medieval center. It boasts a stunning Gothic cathedral, quaint cobblestone streets, and traditional half-timbered houses. Quimper is also famous for its pottery and hosts the annual Festival de Cornouaille, celebrating Breton culture.
  • Pont-Aven: Known as the "City of Painters," Pont-Aven is a picturesque village situated on the banks of the Aven River. It has inspired numerous artists due to its scenic beauty and vibrant artistic heritage. Visitors can explore art galleries, visit the Musée de Pont-Aven, and enjoy the lovely riverside walks.
  • Concarneau: The fortified town of Concarneau is a popular tourist destination, located approximately 30 kilometers from Le Letty. Its medieval walls enclose a charming old town filled with narrow streets, shops, and restaurants. Concarneau is also famous for its fishing port and is home to a maritime museum.
  • Odet River: The Odet River is a scenic waterway that flows through southern Brittany, passing close to Le Letty. Taking a boat trip along the river allows visitors to admire the beautiful landscapes, including lush forests, picturesque villages, and elegant manor houses.
  • Locronan: Often referred to as one of the most beautiful villages in France, Locronan is a well-preserved medieval town located around 40 kilometers from Le Letty. Its charming granite houses, cobblestone streets, and central square make it a delightful place to explore. Locronan has also been a popular filming location for movies.
  • Glénan Islands: Situated off the coast of Concarneau, the Glénan Islands are a group of small islands with crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. They are often referred to as the "Breton Caribbean" due to their stunning beauty. Visitors can take boat trips or enjoy activities such as snorkeling, diving, and sailing. These tourist attractions near Le Letty offer a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, cultural experiences, and picturesque towns, providing visitors with a diverse range of activities to enjoy during their stay.

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