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Lamothe Jean-Michel
160 Chemin des Ouides
Saint Cannat


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for Gite

This charming cottage offers a fully equipped kitchen boasting modern appliances such as a dishwasher, washing machine, and microwave. The spacious living room spans 30m2, providing ample space for relaxation and entertainment. The accommodation features one double bed and two single beds on a mezzanine level, ensuring a comfortable stay for all guests. A television with DVD player is available for leisurely evenings. Step outside onto the covered terrace and enjoy a delightful barbecue while admiring the beautiful garden, which spans 500m2 and is securely enclosed.


Appréciations pour Gite Carpe Diem, Saint Cannat:

l'adresse d'un paradis
Review by: CABY, Juil 3 2017 6:47PM
un accueil comme on en a plus ... propreté des lieux irréprochable un joli jardin et une piscine que pour nous
tout cela pour 75 euros la nuit étoilée et douce
nous reviendrons dès que possible
Gîte Carpe Diem
Review by: HENRY-DELATRE Christophe et Silvy, Juil 25 2016 1:38PM
Gîte agréable et bien conçu. Terrain clôturé et ombragé : parfait pour nos amis à 4 pattes.
Accueil très chaleureux des hôtes. Très bon rapport qualité / prix. A recommander.
Chambre d'hôte
Review by: COUTURIER Laurence, Jan 4 2016 6:28PM
Les hôtes ici (Valérie et Jean-Michel) sont gentils, conviviaux, bref, adorables !!!

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80 80
Holiday Home 4 320 550


Animals Allowed


  • Aix-en-Provence (9 km): A picturesque town known for its charming old streets, fountains, and historic buildings. Explore the bustling markets, visit the famous Cours Mirabeau, and enjoy the vibrant cultural scene.
  • Cezanne's Studio (9 km): A must-visit for art enthusiasts, this is the former studio of renowned painter Paul Cezanne. Discover the space where he created many of his masterpieces and gain insight into his artistic process.
  • Sainte-Victoire Mountain (11 km): This stunning mountain range offers breathtaking views and incredible hiking trails. Follow in the footsteps of Cezanne, who found inspiration in its landscapes, and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Château La Coste (14 km): An enchanting vineyard and contemporary art center. Explore the beautiful vineyards, taste their exceptional wines, and discover the impressive collection of contemporary art installations scattered across the estate.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park (35 km): A vast natural park known for its charming hilltop villages, lavender fields, and vineyards. Discover picturesque towns like Gordes and Roussillon, and immerse yourself in the idyllic Provençal countryside.
  • Marseille (55 km): France's oldest city, Marseille offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and stunning coastal scenery. Explore the picturesque Vieux Port, visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde, and indulge in delicious seafood dishes.
  • Calanques National Park (60 km): A breathtaking natural wonder featuring stunning limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Take a boat tour, hike along the trails, or simply relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Avignon (75 km): Famous for its well-preserved medieval walls and the historic Palais des Papes, Avignon is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the charming old town, visit the Pont d'Avignon, and immerse yourself in the city's rich history.
  • Arles (77 km): A picturesque city known for its Roman ruins and connections to Vincent van Gogh. Visit the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, explore the Van Gogh Foundation, and wander through the charming streets filled with vibrant Provençal atmosphere. 10. Pont du Gard (90 km): A remarkable ancient Roman aqueduct bridge, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Marvel at this engineering marvel, take a walk along the bridge, and enjoy the scenic surroundings on the banks of the Gardon River.

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