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Le Glanic Monique
111 Rue Kérariou


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price from €375






Description for Gite

This renovated house offers a cozy lounge with a fireplace and a stunning sea view, covering an area of 17 m2. It also grants access to a terrace, perfect for enjoying the scenery. On the lower level, there is a charming bedroom measuring 12 m2, featuring a comfortable 140-sized bed, along with an adjoining bathroom equipped with a spa bath. Additionally, there is a separate toilet and a laundry area furnished with a washing machine and dryer. As for the extension part of the house, it includes a spacious living room (24 m2) with a fully equipped kitchen. There is also a room with a 160-sized bed and a mezzanine area suitable for one person. A bathroom with a shower bath and toilet completes this lovely accommodation.


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From Rennes-Bre, head towards Guingamp and Lanniond. Once you reach Guingamp Lanniond, take exit 767. Follow d 65 to go from Trébeurden to Lannion. In Trébeurden, look out for BIG ISLAND and follow the signs. You will eventually arrive at Kérariou Street. The lodging you are looking for is located at No. 111 on the left side.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 375 695




  • Plage de Trestraou: Located just a short walk from Rue Kérariou, Plage de Trestraou is a beautiful sandy beach known for its crystal-clear waters and stunning coastal views. It is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports activities.
  • Côte de Granit Rose: Translating to "Pink Granite Coast," this scenic stretch of coastline is famous for its unique pink granite rock formations. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, go hiking along the coastal paths, or take a boat tour to explore the picturesque islands and hidden coves.
  • Phare de Mean Ruz: Situated on a rocky headland, the Phare de Mean Ruz is a lighthouse offering panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. Visitors can climb to the top and enjoy the stunning vistas of the sea and the rugged landscape.
  • Île de Ploumanac'h: Located just off the coast, Île de Ploumanac'h is a small island known for its picturesque village and enchanting natural beauty. The island features charming houses, quaint streets, and scenic walking trails, making it a perfect destination for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Le Radôme: Situated in nearby Pleumeur-Bodou, Le Radôme is a fascinating museum and interactive exhibition center dedicated to telecommunications and space exploration. Visitors can learn about the history of satellite communications, explore an authentic space station, and even participate in virtual reality experiences.
  • Jardin du Kestellic: This beautiful garden located in Plouguiel showcases a wide variety of plants, flowers, and sculptures spread across a vast landscaped area. Visitors can stroll through the well-maintained paths, relax in peaceful surroundings, and admire the stunning botanical displays.
  • Château de Tonquédec: Situated in Tonquédec, this medieval castle dates back to the 13th century and is known for its imposing architecture and historical significance. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, walk along the defensive walls, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Sentier des Douaniers: Also known as the Customs Path, this scenic hiking trail follows the coastline and offers breathtaking views of the sea, cliffs, and beaches. The trail is part of the GR 34 long-distance footpath and provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.
  • Village Gaulois: Located in Pleumeur-Bodou, Village Gaulois is a fun and educational attraction for both children and adults. It is a reconstructed Gaulish village that provides an immersive experience into the ancient Celtic civilization, showcasing traditional houses, workshops, and various activities. 10. Musée de la Résistance Bretonne: Situated in Saint-Marcel, this museum pays tribute to the Breton Resistance during World War II. It exhibits artifacts, documents, and multimedia presentations that provide insights into the history and struggles of the resistance movement in Brittany.

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