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Bruno Valès
Hameau de Luzençon
Saint Georges de Luzençon


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €59






Description for B&B:

The Saisonneraie provides five generously-sized and well-kept guest rooms. Each room offers a selection of bed sizes, including a room with twin beds and a family suite suitable for close-knit families or friends. Whether you prefer double, triple, or quadruple accommodations, we can accommodate your needs. During the winter months, our house is continuously heated for your comfort. With the exception of the family suite, all our rooms have direct access to the outdoors, offering breathtaking views of the Millau Viaduct or the majestic Combalou (home of Roquefort caves). Families with children are more than welcome, and we provide cribs for the little ones at an additional charge.

Description for Gite

The Saisonneraie has managed to preserve its enchanting old-world allure. Classified as a historical site, we have taken great care to honor traditional practices while incorporating modern techniques. This charming cottage now offers contemporary comforts, allowing us to warmly welcome you throughout the year. Start your day with a breathtaking sunrise breakfast in the grand hall, where the terrace provides a panoramic view of the valley, stretching all the way to the renowned Millau Viaduct in the distance. During the winter, indulge in Claude's homemade meals while enjoying the cozy ambiance created by the crackling fire.


Appréciations pour La Saisonneraie, Saint Georges de Luzençon:

excellente chambre d'hôte
Review by: Claudette et Joël, Mai 4 2017 8:50AM
séjour inhoubliable,
vue à 180° à couper le souffle,
des hôtes accueillant simples et passionnés de ce site exceptionnel
un grand merci
Une très bonne adresse !
Review by: olivier, Fev 20 2012 2:08PM
Des hôtes chaleureux et passionnés nous ont accueillis dans un lieu à leur image. L'attention portée aux invités est de tous les instants, le panorama est imprenable et la cuisine délicieuse. Le tout à proximité de l'autoroute, du viaduc et des excursions.

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1. If you are traveling from Clermont Ferrand towards Sorites, take exit 46. If you are coming from Montpellier and Beziers, take exit 47. From there, head towards St Cernon Rome, Albi, and Saint Rome de Cernon. Then, follow the signs towards St Georges de Luzençon and St Georges. Finally, look for the signs to the tourist Saisonneraie. Our location is 1.5 km from St Georges in Luzençon.

2. To reach us, simply follow the directions towards St Affrique Albi, Millau, St Georges de Luzençon, and St Georges. Keep an eye out for the signs to the tourist Saisonneraie. Our location is 1.5 km from St Georges in Luzençon.

3. If you are coming from Millau, follow the directions towards St Affrique, St Georges de Luzençon, and St Georges. Look for the signs to the tourist Saisonneraie. Our location is 1.5 km from St Georges in Luzençon.

4. If you have a GPS device, you can enter the coordinates N 44 ° 03,945 'E 2 ° 58 180'. This will guide you directly to our location.

5. On our website, you can access Via Michelin to plan your journey. We are highly recommended by the Michelin site.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 59 99 20 oui
(3 pers.)
3 99 109 20 oui




  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (2.4 km): This picturesque village is famous for its production of the world-renowned Roquefort cheese. Visitors can explore the traditional cheese caves, learn about the cheese-making process, and sample various types of Roquefort.
  • Millau Viaduct (9.6 km): One of the world's most impressive engineering marvels, the Millau Viaduct is a cable-stayed bridge that spans the Tarn Valley. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and is a must-visit for architecture and photography enthusiasts.
  • Parc de la Victoire (10.2 km): Located in the heart of Millau, this beautiful park is an ideal spot for relaxation and leisure. It features lush greenery, charming walkways, and a memorial dedicated to the soldiers who fought in World War I.
  • Gorges du Tarn (16.7 km): A natural wonder of France, the Gorges du Tarn is a stunning canyon carved by the Tarn River. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, or simply admire the breathtaking scenery as they drive along the winding roads.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes (18.8 km): This unique attraction is dedicated to insects and their role in the ecosystem. Micropolis offers interactive exhibits, a butterfly greenhouse, and educational activities for visitors of all ages.
  • Château de Peyrelade (22.5 km): Situated atop a rocky outcrop overlooking the Tarn River, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. Visitors can explore the ruins, enjoy panoramic views, and learn about the castle's role in medieval times.
  • Les Deux Causses Regional Natural Park (28.3 km): A paradise for nature lovers, this regional park encompasses vast plateaus, deep gorges, and diverse flora and fauna. It offers numerous hiking trails, picnic areas, and opportunities for wildlife spotting.
  • La Couvertoirade (38.5 km): This medieval village is a well-preserved example of a Templar fortress. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit the castle, and learn about the village's fascinating history.
  • Viaduc de Millau Visitor Center (39.8 km): Located near the Millau Viaduct, this visitor center provides comprehensive information about the bridge's construction and its impact on the region. It offers exhibits, audiovisual presentations, and a panoramic terrace for admiring the viaduct. 10. Musée de Millau et des Grands Causses (40.2 km): This museum showcases the cultural heritage and history of the Millau region. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, including pottery, tools, and traditional costumes, providing insight into the area's past. These attractions near Hameau de Luzençon offer a range of experiences, from natural wonders to historical sites and cultural landmarks, ensuring an enjoyable visit for tourists.

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