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Marc HUE


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €64






Description for B&B:

We offer a total of 5 rooms, each equipped with a private bathroom and toilet. Two of these rooms are located on the ground floor, while the remaining three are situated on the upper floor, featuring a terrace. Our rooms are designed with sufficient space to comfortably accommodate up to 5 people, ranging from one to seven guests.

Description for Gite

Situated opposite the sparkling pool and nestled amidst a charming olive tree garden, this delightful cottage offers comfortable accommodation for up to 8 guests. The layout of the rooms, positioned on either side of the welcoming living room and fully-equipped kitchen, allows for flexibility and convenience. Each room is complemented by its own private bathroom and toilet facilities, ensuring utmost comfort and privacy during your stay.


Appréciations pour Grandchamp, Cruis:

que du bonheur
Review by: José Fabre, Mar 14 2016 7:43AM
ccueil chaleureux. Cadre magnifique. A Grandchamp tout est fait pour être bien. Les chambres sont confortables, avec douches et toilettes, entree individuelle. La cuisine provençale de Virginie est délicieuse, et on mange avec nos hôtes, en toute simplicité. Que dire du bon pdj dehors, entourés de lavande, pendant que Philippe nous prépare une journée visite et rando. Merci à tous les deux. A très très bientôt. Viviane et José
Une experience formidable!
Review by: Francesco G, Aou 2 2015 4:37PM
Philippe et sa famille sont vraiment gentil et accueillant et le séjour a été parfait.

La chambre des hôtes, idéalement située dans le champs de lavande, avait tout pour se relaxer: belle chambres, une piscine, un table de ping pong, et la possibilité de se balader ou de visiter la région facilement.

Quand nous sommes partis notre hôtes ont nous donnes un beau et riche bouquet de lavande.... formidable!!! La prochaine fois nous y resterions sûrement plus longtemps!
Que du bonheur !
Review by: Colpaert Yannick, Juil 20 2015 1:19PM
Super séjour en famille ! Encore merci pour l'accueil convivial en toute simplicité et d'avoir réussi à prolonger notre séjour ! Nous sommes tous ravis, grands comme petits ! Rendez-vous pris pour l'année prochaine
Que du bonheur !
Review by: Georges et Mieke HENRIETTE, Nov 26 2014 1:45PM
Une semaine, même dans les mois considérés comme plus froids, et c'est magnifique ! De l'accueil, de la convivialité, du partage, de la solidarité, des promenades, des villes...Nous reviendrons, assurément !
Week-end à Grandchamp
Review by: Christian, Mar 4 2014 10:51AM
Un acceuil très covivial, une très bonne cuisine, un superbe emplacement dant les lavandes,
MERCI Philippe.

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If you are heading towards Briançon, Grenoble, or Sisteron, the next county after 951 CRUIS is the one you need to follow. On the other hand, if you are coming from Marseilles, Manosque, or Forcalquier, the county after ST Etienne Organs will lead you in the right direction.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 64 384 20 X
Notes: and + -20 / pers sup
Holiday Home 1 100 560 850


Swimming Pool


  • Forcalquier: Located about 14 km away from Sambuc in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department, Forcalquier is a charming town known for its medieval architecture and picturesque surroundings. The town offers a range of attractions including the Notre-Dame du Bourguet Cathedral, the Forcalquier Citadel, and the bustling Monday market.
  • Lurs: Situated approximately 9 km from Sambuc, Lurs is a historic village perched on a hilltop. It is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, narrow streets, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the 13th-century Lurs Castle ruins and enjoy a peaceful stroll through the village.
  • Sisteron: Located around 40 km from Sambuc, Sisteron is a scenic town situated on the banks of the Durance River. The highlight of Sisteron is its iconic citadel, perched dramatically on a rocky outcrop overlooking the town. Visitors can explore the historic streets, visit the 12th-century Notre Dame Cathedral, and enjoy stunning views from the citadel.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Situated approximately 60 km northeast of Sambuc, the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural attraction often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can explore the deep turquoise waters of the Verdon River, hike along the rim of the gorge, or rent a kayak or boat to fully experience the stunning scenery.
  • Oppedette Village: Located around 30 km from Sambuc, Oppedette is a charming hilltop village known for its narrow, winding streets and ancient stone houses. The village offers a peaceful atmosphere and beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the medieval architecture, wander through the old village gates, and enjoy a leisurely hike in the nearby Oppedette Gorges.
  • Manosque: Situated approximately 30 km from Sambuc, Manosque is a bustling town with a rich history. It is known as the birthplace of the famous French writer Jean Giono and is home to the Giono Foundation. Visitors can explore the historic old town, visit the Notre-Dame-de-Romigier Cathedral, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the town's markets and cafes. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from exploring medieval architecture and historic towns to immersing oneself in stunning natural landscapes. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or simply enjoying the charm of Provence, these places near Sambuc are sure to captivate visitors.

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