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Pascal Di Cicco
Chemin du Boucon



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price from €80






Description for B&B:

This house is equipped with five uniquely themed rooms, as well as a swimming pool and sauna for your relaxation and enjoyment.

Description for Gite

Located amidst a serene woodland in Vienna, Au Bois de Massier is a tastefully renovated retreat that offers five uniquely themed rooms. This charming establishment serves as the perfect starting point for exploring Vienna's plethora of attractions, including the nearby archaeological sites, city center, renowned wineries, convenient highways, and railway station.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 120


Swimming Pool
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  • Gallo-Roman Theater of Vienna: Located in the heart of Vienne, this well-preserved ancient theater dates back to the 1st century AD and offers a glimpse into the city's Roman past. Visitors can explore the ruins and imagine the grand spectacles that once took place here.
  • Temple d'Auguste et de Livie: Situated near the Gallo-Roman Theater, this temple is one of Vienne's most iconic landmarks. Built during the reign of Emperor Augustus, it is dedicated to him and his wife Livie. The temple's well-preserved facade and intricate carvings make it a must-see for history enthusiasts.
  • Musée de Saint-Pierre: Housed in a former Romanesque church, the Musée de Saint-Pierre showcases a collection of archaeological artifacts from Vienne's Roman past. Visitors can admire ancient sculptures, mosaics, and everyday objects that provide insights into the daily life of the Romans.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Maurice: Dominating the skyline of Vienne, the Cathédrale Saint-Maurice is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. Dating back to the 12th century, the cathedral is known for its beautiful stained glass windows and the impressive astronomical clock that chimes every hour.
  • Jardin de Cybèle: This picturesque garden is located just a short walk from the Gallo-Roman sites. With its well-manicured lawns, colorful flowers, and a central fountain, the Jardin de Cybèle offers a peaceful retreat for visitors to relax and enjoy the surrounding historic atmosphere.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie: Situated in the former bishop's palace, this museum houses an extensive collection of fine arts and archaeological artifacts. From ancient Roman sculptures to Renaissance paintings, the museum offers a diverse range of artworks spanning different periods.
  • Planétarium de Vienne: Ideal for families and astronomy enthusiasts, the Planétarium de Vienne offers a journey through the cosmos. Visitors can enjoy immersive shows that explore the planets, stars, and galaxies, providing a unique educational experience.
  • Tour du Valois: This medieval tower is one of the few remaining remnants of the city's fortifications. Climbing to the top of the Tour du Valois provides panoramic views of Vienne and the surrounding Rhône Valley, offering a glimpse into the city's strategic importance throughout history.
  • Musée de la Draperie: Located in a former silk factory, this museum delves into the history of Vienne's silk industry. Visitors can learn about the techniques used in silk production, admire intricate textiles, and understand the significance of silk in the city's economic development. 10. Parc de l'Isle: Situated on an island in the Rhône River, this park offers a tranquil green space for leisure activities. With walking paths, picnic areas, and a playground, it's a perfect spot to relax and enjoy nature while taking in the beautiful river views.

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