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Chantal Bourbon
Avenue du Monastir Km2


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price from €68





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Description for B&B:

Come and visit our peaceful and lush property, "Le Mas du Sabartes," where our inviting house and refreshing swimming pool are ready to welcome you. This serene and green location creates the perfect atmosphere for rest and relaxation.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 68 75 oui
(3 pers.)
2 78 85 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Perpignan: Located just a few kilometers from Avenue du Monastir, Perpignan is a vibrant city known for its rich history and architecture. Explore the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, visit the impressive Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, or stroll through the charming Old Town with its narrow streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Castelnou: This medieval village is often regarded as one of the most beautiful in France. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is known for its well-preserved fortified walls, quaint cobblestone streets, and historic buildings. Enjoy wandering through the picturesque alleys, exploring art galleries, and sampling local cuisine.
  • Collioure: Located on the Mediterranean coast, Collioure is a charming seaside town famous for its vibrant colors and picturesque scenery. Discover the Château Royal de Collioure, visit the impressive Church of Notre-Dame-des-Anges, and relax on the sandy beaches. Collioure is also known for its art scene, which inspired many famous painters.
  • Gorges de la Fou: Situated in the nearby village of Arles-sur-Tech, the Gorges de la Fou is a stunning natural attraction. This narrow gorge offers breathtaking views, with the opportunity to walk along suspended footbridges and witness the power of the rushing water. It's a perfect destination for nature lovers and hikers.
  • Céret: Known as the "City of Cherries," Céret is a small town famous for its art and history. Visit the Musée d'Art Moderne, which houses an impressive collection of works by Picasso, Chagall, and other renowned artists. Explore the charming streets lined with cafes, art galleries, and boutiques, and don't forget to taste the delicious local cherries.
  • Saint-Cyprien: This coastal resort town offers beautiful sandy beaches, a marina, and a vibrant atmosphere. Enjoy sunbathing, swimming, or engaging in various water sports. Take a leisurely stroll along the promenade, visit the local market, or indulge in fresh seafood at one of the many waterfront restaurants.
  • Fort de Salses: A short drive from Avenue du Monastir, Fort de Salses is an impressive fortress built in the 15th century. This military masterpiece showcases remarkable architecture and engineering, with its strategic location and defensive features. Explore the fort's interior, including its underground passages and artillery rooms, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Abbaye Saint-Martin du Canigou: Nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains, this ancient Benedictine abbey offers a peaceful and spiritual retreat. Take a guided tour to learn about its intriguing history and admire the stunning Romanesque architecture. The abbey is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, making it an ideal spot for hiking and enjoying nature. These attractions near Avenue du Monastir in Trouillas, France, provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders and coastal beauty.

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